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烟台助听器验配中心 福顺达听力检测流程 1、验配师通过听力检测仪检测出听力图,分析听力损失程度,推荐合适的助听器; 2、验配师为客户量身定制一款助听器,首先要在现场做一个耳模 其次,峰力助听器厂家根据客户选择的助听器类型为客户制作一个和耳模一样的助听器(需要一周左右),继而福顺达的验配师会根据听力测试图对助听器进行听力损失部分的补救,以达到真正人耳的作用。 3、调试工作是一个比较细的工作,不光需要验配师的专业技术,还需要验配师的责任心和耐力,所以一款助听器能不能让客户听的舒心,不光需要好的产品,还需要一个好有技术和服务。 4、调试完毕。 三、助听器内部结构复杂 1.麦克风:收集声音并转化成电波。 2.放大器:增加电波的强度。 3.接收器:刚好和麦克风相反,把增加的电能再转回成声波。 4.电源:小型电池。 5.外壳:保护内部结构。 1. 耳机 2.接收器 3.麦克风 4.音量调节钮5.微调电位器 6.放大器 7.开关 8.电池座 音量调控器2.麦克风 3.放大器4.微调电位器 5.外壳6.接收器 福顺达验配资历 Style rectification analysis materials 15The first chapter: the style of rectifying and analyzing materialsOne, the main problemTo the court to work near two years, in the Party school, office, leadership and Comrades help, while doing some work more seriously than completed the job assigned by the leadership, and within the scope of the work, but the control of ideology and style rectification activities revealing implementation plan stage also ask questions does not exist a lot of problems, such as the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, work stress and other aspects still can not fully meet the new situation and new tasks, mainly has the following several aspects:One is the theory of learning initiative, self-consciousness is not high. Often recent information submitted to the task heavier than or is writing material for reasons, not consciously take the initiative to take the time to calm down to learn, work and leisure use of spare time to learn less. Often is asked to learn what to learn what what to learn more, and close working relationship, with little working relationship, often need less to learn, what is urgent with what to learn, what to learn, with only material to find the basis, check the information. There is no system to learn some legal knowledge and modern scientific and technological knowledge, not high quality writing material work especially. Pay attention to the study of political theory degree is not enough, not to be able to understan



