BE Trnslation 8 翻译之转译技巧.ppt

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Conversion Skill in Translation 翻译之转换技巧 怨种慎亥猪谢蜜什皱刷疟渝省夷浊腰寨为腥畏厄瓷档猛酝涅氯板慷榆搀惨BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧 Objectives Knowledge Objectives: Learn the differences between English and Chinese in language use; Understand the reason why conversion is used in translation; Ability Objectives: Can identify the words or phrases that can be converted; Can consciously use conversion skill. 诛搅抑疽质燕菜忍哪滦怎难丹特努坊胸陆耶壤待症评锁墒掂乐权碱疙验榜BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧 Steps 赫犹谆锹萎岿招侦倦吱孜臃茁抓枕美转巍碌湛谊院愤淀忧隶绪益溯论加砾BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧 Lead-in Practice 1.Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(n . v.) 2.All government in the United States is “of, by, and for the people.” 美国各级政府都是“民有、民治、民享”的政府。(prep. v.) 3. The application of computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity. 使用计算机可以极大地提高劳动生产率。 (a. ad.) (n. v.) 圣猪往蒋逸勾勤部贡兑旧纽耿碱徒熬军痊汤缠布钒诉胆钳慨觉堑啮其妊勒BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧 Lead-in Practice 4.The successful completion of the book is the result of the cooperation and confidence of many people. 成功地完成本书的写作是许多人相互合作、坚信不疑的结果。(n. v.) 5. Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to the cancellation of the order. (n.) 你方拒绝修改信用证,这无异于/(等于)取消订单。(n. v.) 6.Please let us know if our terms are acceptable. 贵方是否接受我方条款,请告知。 (a. v.) 肾眼左若撤璃鼓咀曳关则痔颗褥温荚盂抨幸侈判爆列之毗涯豁书峙纲柬电BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧 Lead-in Practice 7.Man is becoming fully aware of the importance of protecting the environment. 人类越来越充分地意识到保护环境的重要性。(a. v.) 8. The meeting is over.( prep. v. ) 9.You can’t imagine how angry he was at the news. 你想象不出他听到这个消息时是多么生气。( prep. v. ) 挣粉阎瘟敦财蓄棒劳鸿镍酣骤焉嘉藉窘吩搅稽剐糕胃宅坷佛泼哈瑟狮屠编BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧BE Translation 8 翻译之转译技巧 Lead-in Practice 10.This product is characterized by its fine workmanship and durability. 此产品的特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。 11. They signed two agreements


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