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1—11模块重点句型罗列 第一课时 1. before 用于时间状语从句的常用句型 ①Before Diana could stop her, she ran out. 没等戴安娜拦住她,她就逃跑了。 ②I hadn’t waited long before he came.没等多久, 他就来了。 ③She and her family hid away for two years before they were discovered. 她与家人躲藏了两年之后才被发现。 ④It was ten years before we met again.十年后我们再次相见。 ⑤It will be ten years before we meet again. 十年后我们将再次相见。 2. since句型 ①Since middle school, my sister WangWei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.从中学起, 我和姐姐王薇就梦想着作一次自行车旅行。 ②How long is it since we visited your mother? 自从看了你母亲后有多长时间了? ③It is \ has been four years since we met again.我们再次相见到现在已有4年了。 3. 主语+V.+ it + adj.(或n) + 不定式\动名词\从句 ①I still find it hard to make good friends with them.我发现很难与他们交朋友。 ②Please see to it that your spare time is profitably occupied. 请保证你的业余时间能有效利用。 4. 连词后跟分词的结构 ①While (you are) walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 在遛狗的时候,你不小心让狗松脱了并被一辆小车撞着了。 ②Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when (it is) heated. 虽然摸起来像石头一样硬,可是加热后很容易溶化。 5. 附加状语句型 ①Luckily, Jane is good at writing in English.很幸运,詹尼爱好写作。 ②Believe it or not, there is no such things as standard English. 信不信由你, 世界上没有什么标准的英语。 6. the more…. the more…( the + 形容词比较级…, the + 形容词比较级…) The sooner you do it, the better it will be.( the sooner, the better.)愈早愈好。 7.关于“花费”的句式 ①It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious. 对明显存在的事物进行分析需要非凡的头脑。 ②You have got a good job and you plan to spend a holiday with a friend somewhere in Southeast Asia. 你有一份好的工作,并且计划和一个东南亚的朋友去度假。 ③It cost (them) 2000 a year to run a car. ④She paid a dealer 2000 for that car. 8. 疑问副词+不定式结构 In pairs, discuss the fares and decide where to go.两人一组,讨论票价并决定去的地方。 9. 疑问词+do you think +陈述句 What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat? 如果明天突然没有大米可以食用,你认为会出现何种局面? 10. seem 句型 ①It seemed that the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日。 ②But Maochang seemed not to hear.但是茂昌好像没有听到(他的话)。 11. It (This ) is \was the first\second\third…time that sb have\had done…


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