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四川广元初中英语教材 篇一:广元英语中考选编 篇二:2015年中考广元英语试题 篇三:2012年四川省广元市中考英语卷word版 2011年四川省广元市初中毕业生学业及高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷 第I卷(选择题共98分) 第一部分 基础知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:单项选择(共20 小题;每小题一分,满分20分) 从下列各题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入题中空白处的最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上 的相应位置。 1.—You look really beautiful in this pink dress, Sally. —___ A. No, just so-so.B. Thank you.C. Yes, Im sure. 2. —Help___to some fruits. —Thank you . A. yourself B. your C. You 3. —How often do you exercise? —___ A. Two B. Twice C. Second 4. —Can you speak English, Mr. Wang? —Yes, but only___ A. littleB. a littleC. a lot 5.Susan joined an art club at ___age of six and paints well. A. the B. an C. a 6.Be quick, ___well be late for school. A. andB. or C. so 7. —Be quiet, Mr. Smith is coming. —Don’t worry. It ___ be him. Mr. Smith is much taller. A. mustnt B. mustC. can’t 8. —How was your weekend, Jeff? —I had great ___ watching a football game. A. interestB. time C. Fun 9. Dont bring food to the party. If you ___,Ill take it away. A. areB. doC. will 10.Our hospital needs two ___ doctors, Mrs. Li. You can ask your son to have a try. A. women B. manC. men 11. The bag of rice is ___ heavy for Tom to carry. Lets go and help him. A. too B. so C. very 12.I live ___the market. So I have to drive to buy vegetable and fruits. A. far away B. near to C. far from 13. —Have you ever been to Hong K ong? —Yes, I ___ there last month. A. went to B. have beenC. went 14. —Why are most children under too much pressure? —Because their parents always compare them ___ others. A. withB. by C. to 15.I told him the news ___be came back yesterday. A. until B. as soon asC. unless 16.Have you finished the book___you borrowed from the library? A. which B. it C. what 17.Since you are tired, youd better___and have a good rest. A. stop to studyB. stop study C. stop studying 18.For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, ___I enjoy living in China. A. the better B. the more C. the best 19.English ___more and mor


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