Nature of a theory of instruction.ppt

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Nature of a theory of instruction Jerome S. Bruner Translation 1、 A theory of instruction is a normative theory. It sets up criteria and states the conditions for meeting them . (P1171 L5) 【参考译文】教学论是一种规范化的理论。它树立一定的准则,并说明与这种准则相符合的条件。 (代词) 2、They tell us what happened after the fact: for example, that most children of 6 do not yet possess the notion of reversibility. (P171 L12) 【参考译文】它们告诉我们实际情况怎样,比如说它们指出绝大多数六岁儿童还没有具备可逆性的观念。 (意译) 3、In fact, a theory of instruction must be concerned with both learning and development , as well as with the nature of particular subject-matter. (P171 L18) 【参考译文】事实上,教学论必然涉及某门学科的性质,也必然涉及学习与发展。 (语序) 4、Second, a theory of instruction must specify the ways in which a body of knowledge should be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner. Optimal structure refers to the set of propositions from which a larger body of knowledge can be generated. (P172 L4) 【参考译文】 其次,教学论必须详细规定大量知识组织起来的方式,从而使学习者易于掌握。最理想的结构乃是提出一套命题,从中可引出更大量的知识。(语态)。 5、The major requirement is that no two sets of generating structures for the same field of knowledge be in contradiction. (P172 L13) 【参考译文】主要的条件应是:在同一个知识领域里不会产生两套相互矛盾的结构。(词性) 6、Does one present concrete materials first in such a way as to elicit questions about recurrent regularities ? Or , does one begin with a formalized mathematical notation that makes it simpler to represent regularities later encountered ? (P172 L17) 【参考译文】他首先呈现具体材料,以此引起关于经常复现的各种规则的问题?还是他一开始就用公式化的数学符号,使得更简易地体现出日后遇到的规律?(断句) 7、Intuitively, it seems quite clear that as learning progresses there is a point at which it is better to shift away from extrinsic rewards, such as teacher’s praise, towards the intrinsic rewards inherent in solving a complex problem for one’s self. So, too, there is a point at which immediate reward for performance should be replaced by deferred reward . (P172 L22) 【参考译文】从直观的角度来讲,由于学习不断前进,因而有一个要点似乎是很清楚的,即最好将外来的奖励变为一个人在自行解决问题时所固有的内在的奖励。同理,还有一个要点似乎也是很清楚的,即学生完成作业后的即时的奖励应当代之以延缓的奖励。(断句) 8


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