Never Judge People By Their Appearance.ppt

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Never Judge People By Their Appearance * * * * * * 演讲:王欣凯 PPT制作:刘伟伦 王龙 “深凹的面颊,扭曲的头发,淘气的露齿笑,一个5英尺高、100磅重的顽童模样”,又说“这个长相怪异的人有拿破仑一般的身材,同时也有拿破仑一样的伟大志向!” Deep concave cheekbones, twisted hair, a five feet high, 100 pounds heavier naughty look. This looks weird people have the same stature of Napoleon, more like Napoleon great ambition! ——美国《福布斯》杂志 2000年对马云的评价 No one can deny the fact that Jack ma is a little ugly. but if you judge him by his appearance, you may have make a big mistake! Ma was born in Hangzhou 马云出生在杭州 Although his results have never been to first three, but he has a great goal is to exam Beijing University. 虽然他的成绩从来没有进过前三,但是他有一个伟大的目标就是考北大 His first year college entrance math exam got a points 第一年高考他数学考了1分 second-year got 19 points 第二年高考考了19分 exam for three years, he was Into college 考了三年,他才考上大学 1988 Ma graduated from Hangzhou Normal College English major. 马云1988年毕业于杭州师范学院英语专业 After graduating from the University, Ma had been a English teacher for six and a half . 大学毕业后马云当了六年半的英语老师 1995, Hangzhou English best, Ma, commissioned by the Department of Communications, Zhejiang Province, so he went to the United States to recover a debt 1995年,“杭州英语最棒”的马云受浙江省交通厅委托到美国催讨一笔债务 The result is no money to go to a point, pour discovered a treasure house 结果是钱没有要到一分,倒发现了一个“宝库” In Seattle, for the computer illiterate Ma, for the first time on the internet. 在西雅图,对计算机一窍不通的马云第一次上了互联网 There is a big business to do! Ma was realized that the Internet is a gold “这里有大大的生意可做!”马云当时就意识到互联网是一座金 Ma can not wait to find a partner who learned automated, holding two million, rented a house, start a business. 马云迫不及待找了一个学自动化的拍档,拿着两万元,租了一间房子,就开始了创业。 添加英语翻译 但是在那个互联网还没普及的年代,马云的创业困难重重 1999, Ma back to Hangzhou, and build the Ali Baba website. 1999年,马云回杭州创办“阿里巴巴”网站 September 20, 2014 ,Alibaba Group, successfully landed on the NYSE . Jack Ma become the richest man of China. 2014年9月20日,阿里巴巴集团成功登陆纽交所,马云成为中国新首富 刘健亮 0906102022 短短的大学四年就要过去了,不想和 大


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