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About the Author 【】Felix Kerger is a Computer Science student at the Technical University of Darmstadt and has been developing 3D real-time applications using Ogre 3D for more than five years. He has given several talks on software development and 3D real-time applications at different conferences and has been working for three years as an assistant researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research. He also works as a freelance journalist and reports yearly from the Game Developer Conference Europe. 【Felix Kerger】I would like to thank the following persons, without whom this book wouldnt have been possible: Steve Streeting for devoting so much time to Ogre 3D and creating one of the best pieces of software I have had the pleasure to work with; my former teachers Ms. Oppel and Ms. Michel, who helped me write a report on which this books idea is based ; my parents, who were a constant source of inspiraton and motivation; Gregory Junker and Manuel Bua, my technical reviewers—their comments helped me no end and improved this book a lot; and, of course, the team at Packt for their constant help and advice. 【Gregory Junker和Manuel Bua,我的技术评审——他们不断提出建议帮助我,使本书得到了很大提高;当然,还有Packt团队,感谢他们不断地帮助和提议。】About the Reviewers 【】Manuel Bua is a software and solutions architect from Trento, Italy. He has over 17 years experience and has been involved in many small and large-scale software projects, at both the design and implementation levels. 【Manuel Bua特兰托】His background and experience range from software development to reverse engineering, embracing both the desktop and the mobile platform; multithreading, parallel, and massively-parallel computing architectures also pique his interest greatly, as well as computational photography and games development. 【】In 2007, he joined Jooces Research and Development division in Paris, France, holding the positon of Chief Architect, engineering and optimizing their in-house, Actionscript-based virtual desktop platform


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