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?Accurately measures brand engagement in a way that is consistent with television and other media. Our complex algorithm goes beyond interaction time Considers user behavior and creative function to track how long the user truly engaged with the brand. An effective analytic tool throughout the rich media spectrum – allow comparison across expandable, polite, with or without video. * ?Accurately measures brand engagement in a way that is consistent with television and other media. Our complex algorithm goes beyond interaction time Considers user behavior and creative function to track how long the user truly engaged with the brand. An effective analytic tool throughout the rich media spectrum – allow comparison across expandable, polite, with or without video. * ?Accurately measures brand engagement in a way that is consistent with television and other media. Our complex algorithm goes beyond interaction time Considers user behavior and creative function to track how long the user truly engaged with the brand. An effective analytic tool throughout the rich media spectrum – allow comparison across expandable, polite, with or without video. * Eyeblaster Analytics is not a product – it is what marketers call a Component Brand ‘- i.e. it is a self-branded subset of a product * 安全驾驶三要素 超速超载 刹车距离计算公式 刹车距离= M—车重 V—车速 U—摩擦系数 G—重力加速 车辆增加两倍,距离增加两倍 车速增加两倍,距离增加两倍 ?制动距离=反应距离+刹车距离 安全驾驶三要素 4、不良心理意识 几种负面安全意识的类型: ?混沌型:安全水平还过得去,浑浑噩噩地生产工作,思想深处存在“生死由命”的想法。 ?自负型:技术熟练,持久经沙场,经验丰富,无所顾忌,他们发生事故可能性很大。 ?任务型:超负荷运转,疲劳驾驶,以致安全意识每况愈下,导致发生事故。 ?侥幸心理:发现安全隐患仍旧出车,比如大雾等自然原因,灯光不好,制动不灵,方向失控等车辆状况原因。 ?习惯:习惯性的东西不好改,而且目前没有出现什么安全问题。 ?不是自己的车,碰点磕点没事,不重视发生的小事故。 设定目标 我们的目标是:把事故原因中人的因素降到40%以下 81% 40% 原因分析 驾驶员 事 故 侥幸心理 危险源识别不够 操作缺陷 违法违规 强超强会 超员超载 疲劳驾驶 操作失误 习惯性违章 对车、路、环存在的危险源识别不足 私拉乱运 要因确定 确认项目 确认内容 确认方法 负责人 完成日期 强超抢会 驾驶员在驾驶过程中强超抢会的频率 DVR查看行车记录 李晋屏 2013、12、15 疲劳驾驶 对车、路、环存在的危险源识别不足 操作失误 超员超载 疲劳驾驶存在的现象 调度日志、GPS运行轨迹 不良心理意识 私拉乱运 张 宏 2013、12、15 事故易发地段发生事故 事故




