070910-Spoken Language under Network Environment-LSLee.ppt

070910-Spoken Language under Network Environment-LSLee.ppt

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Spoken Language Processing under Network Environment — Some Example Works at Taiwan university Lin-shan Lee National Taiwan University 芝麻開門 —語音技術開啟資訊世界的新大門 李琳山 國立台灣大學電機資訊學院 Outline Spoken Language Processing under Network Environment Hierarchy of Research Areas Some Example Works at National Taiwan University Demo Conclusion Spoken Language Processing under Network Environment Hierarchy of Research Areas Some Example Works at Taiwan University Higher Order Cepstral Moment Normalization (HOCMN) for Robust Speech Recognition Cepstral Moment Normalization Moment Estimation: Time average : N-th moment of MFCC parameters about the origin Cepstral Normalization: For odd order L For even order N Higher Order Cepstral Moment Normalization (HOCMN) Skewness and Kurtosis (1) Skewness Third moment about the mean and normalized to the standard deviation Departure of pdf from symmetry Positive/negative indicates skew to right/left Zero indicates symmetric Kurtosis Fourth moment about the mean and normalized to the standard deviation Peaked or “flat with tails of large size” as compared to standard Gaussian “3” is the fourth moment of N(0,1) Positive/negative indicates flatter/more peaked Skewness and Kurtosis (2) Define: Generalized Skewness of Odd Order L L not necessarily 3 Similar meaning as skewness (skew to right or left) except in the sense of L–th moment Define: Generalized Kurtosis of Even Order N N not necessarily 4 Similar meaning as kurtosis (peaked or flat) except in the sense of N–th moment Skewness and Kurtosis (3) Normalizing Odd Order Moment is to Constrain the pdf to be Symmetric about the Origin Except in the sense of L-th moment Normalizing Even Order Moment is to Constrain the pdf to be “Equally Flat with Tails of Equal Size” as Compared to a Standard Gaussian Except in the sense of N-th moment Generalized Moments with Non-integer Orders PDF Analysis HEQ Over fitted to Gaussian Original statistics lost HOCMN Fitting the generalized


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