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* 初二上 Unit 10 Unit 10 1. 打算做某事 (一般将来时) 2. 成长,长大 你长大后打算做什么? 3. 你打算怎样去实现? 4. 电脑程序师 5. 计算机科学 6. 职业篮球运动员 7. 一名工程师 / 一位演员 8. 上表演课 9. 练习篮球 练习做某事 10. 努力地学习(…) 11. 搬到某地 12. 我的梦想工作 be going to +V原形 grow up What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that? a computer programmer computer science professional basketball player an engineer / an actor take acting lessons practice (playing) basketball practice (doing) sth study (…) hard move to… my dream job 13. 做我所想做的 14. 搬到某个有趣的地方 15. 听起来像… 听起来… 16. 有许多的时装表演 17. 一名杂志的记者 18. 一份兼职工作 19. 一或两年 20. 存/攒钱   节约用水 21. 在一所艺校 22. 同时 do what I want to do move somewhere interesting sound like + n. have lots of fashion shows a part-time job a year or two = one or two years save money at an art school at the same time a reporter for a magazine 23. 坚持做某事 have a welcome party keep doing sth 24. 开欢迎会 sound + adj. save water 25. 举办艺术展 26. 用这些钱买…. 27. 环游全球 28. 在某个安静且美丽的地方安度晚年 29. 我还不确定。 30. 举办2008年奥运会 31. 制定新年的决心 32. 弹奏一种乐器 33.组建足球队 34.(在…)取得好成绩 35. 做大量的运动 hold art exhibitions buy … with the money travel all over the world retire somewhere quiet and beautiful I’m not sure yet. host the 2008 Olympic Games make New Year’s resolutions play an instrument make the soccer team get good grades (in…) get / do / take lots of exercise = exercise a lot = spend …on sth. = spend… (in) doing sth. 36. 一门外语 37. 1000多封来信 38. 收到某人的来信 39. 多做锻炼以保持健康 40.(很好地 / 更好地)与某人联系 42.一份作外教的工作 43. 从大连搬到北京 44. 中学毕业后 45. 为国际性杂志写作 46. 到某地旅行 47. 喜欢做某事 48. 交换生 exchange students enjoy doing sth travel to… write for international magazines after high school move from Dalian to Beijing a job as a foreign language teacher communicate (well / better) with sb exercise more to keep fit get a letter from sb = hear from sb = receive a letter from sb over 1,000 letters = more than 1,000 letters a foreign language 词型转换: 1.act (名词)_______ 2. grow(过去) _______ 3. travel(过去式)_______ 4. over(同义


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