
Catching the Drift Learning Broad Matches from Clickthrough捕捉漂移点击学习广泛的比赛.ppt

Catching the Drift Learning Broad Matches from Clickthrough捕捉漂移点击学习广泛的比赛.ppt

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Catching the Drift: Learning Broad Matches from Clickthrough Data Sonal Gupta, Misha Bilenko, Matt Richardson Introduction Keyword-based online advertising: bidded keywords are extracted from context Context: query (search ads) or page (content ads) Broad matching: expanding keywords via keyword-to-keywords mapping Example: electric cars ? tesla, hybrids, toyota prius, golf carts Broad matching benefits advertisers (increased reach, less campaign tuning), users (more relevant ads), ad platform (higher monetization) Expanded Keywords kw1 kw11 kw12 ? ? kwn kwn1 kwn2 ? Broad Match Expansion Ad Selection and Ranking Ad1 Ad2 ? Adk Extracted Keywords Keyword Extraction kw1 kw2 ? kwn Query or Web Page Selected Ads Identifying Broad Matches Good keyword mappings retrieve relevant ads that users click How to measure what is relevant and likely to be clicked? Human judgments: expensive, hard to scale Past user clicks: provide data for kw → kw’ when user was shown ad(kw ) in context of kw Highly available, less trustworthy What similarity functions may indicate relevance of kw → kw ? Syntactic (edit distance, TF-IDF cosine, string kernels, …) Co-occurrence (in documents, query sessions, bid campaigns, …) Expanded representation (search result snippets, category bags, …) Approach Task: train a learner to estimate p(click | kw → kw ) for any kw → kw Data kw, ad(kw ), click triples from clickthrough logs, where kw → kw was suggested by previous broad match mappings Features Convert each pair to a feature vector capturing similarities etc. (kw → kw) → For each triple kw, ad(kw), click, create an instance: (?(kw, kw ), click) Learner: max-margin averaged perceptron (strong theory, very efficient) ?1(kw, kw ) ?n(kw, kw ) … where ?i(kw, kw ) can be any function of kw, kw or both * Example: Creating an Instance Historical broad match clickthrough data: kw ? kw ? ad(kw )? click event digital slr ? canon rebel



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