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绯闻女孩第五季第16集 Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode16八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.我当然爱你恰克我一直都爱着你Of course I love you, Chuck. Ive always loved you.我对你的爱与日俱增I love you more and more every day,已是爱一个人所能达到的极致了If its even possible to love someone that much.只有这辆车的钥匙插着This was the only car with the keys in it.没关系走吧Its fine. Just go.你只想把我在乎的东西都抢走You--you just wanna take away something that matters to me?你压根就不喜欢丹吧Did you even care about dan?我一直呆在屋子里Yeah, Ive been holed up,思考新书的总体架构trying to figure out a concept for my new book.他们能让我出续集真的是太好了And its great that they gave me a deal for a second one,但同时也意味着我必须得想出来but that means I actually have to come up自己要写些什么with something to write about.我想你一定有兴趣看下I have something I think youd like to see.查理·特鲁Charlie Trout.我认识你吗Do I know you?当然我是亚历山德拉Yeah, Alessandra.我们在丹的新书会上见过We met at dans book party.当一个图书经纪人Whats it like being a book agent和丹一起工作感觉怎么样and working with my good friend dan?如果他们有天发现了关于If they ever found out真正夏洛特·罗兹的真相the truth about the real Charlotte Rhodes,他们永远不会原谅我they would never forgive me.艾薇我是佛罗里达的夏洛特·罗兹Ivy! Its Charlotte Rhodes from Florida我们一起上过表演课We took that acting class together.没错夏洛特Uh, yeah. Charlotte.但是为什么艾薇·迪肯斯在这Why was Ivy Dickens here anyway?她是我朋友的表妹Oh, shes my friends cousin.她的真名叫查莉·罗兹Her real names Charlie Rhodes.我没听错吧真名吗Im sorry. Real name?我担心她没有多少时日了Im worried theres not much time left.你要是想跟她说说话罗兹女士刚好醒了Mrs. Rhodes is up right now if youd like to talk to her.你不该把那段录像发给八卦天后You shouldnt have sent that video in to Gossip girl.不是我做的I didnt do it.谁会做呢Then who did?我绝不会透露的Ill never tell.X.O.X.O. 《八卦天后》X.O.X.O. Gossip girl二月是一年中最短的月份February is the shortest month,但严寒也使它成为了最难熬的一个月but the bitter chill makes it feel the longest.聪明的人比如我The smart ones, like me,会去热带地区避寒escape to more tropical climates,而上东区的朋友们while some of my upper east side friends则宅在家中完成他们的工作use the time to hunker down and finish their work.或者窝在床上取暖Others snuggle up in bed五大最受期待作者第二名


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