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Can you guess? Gymnastics 体操 Play volleyball 打排球 Horsemanship 马术 Weightlifting 举重 Fencing 击剑 Water ballet 花样游泳 Sailing boat 帆船 Diving 跳水 Time lost can not be recalled. 时间一去不复返。 Please cherish your time and enjoy everyday! Abilities 天山区 马艳 名师工作室 刘元元 MODULE 5 Read it together! Run ,run ,I can run. Jump, jump, I can jump. Basketball, basketball, I can play basketball. Football, football, I can play football. Swim, swim, I can swim. Table tennis ,table tennis ,I can play table tennis. Sports Meeting fast [英][fɑ:st] draw read swim run clap cook ride write run fast Can you run fast ? ride fast Can you ride fast ? jump high Can you jump high ? jump far Can you jump far ? Group work. Let’s sing and do. Can you run fast? Can you run fast? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Can you jump high? Can you jump high? No, I can’t. No, I can’t. Answer the questions. ① Can Amy run fast? ② Can Sam jump high? ③ Can Lingling jump far ? ④ Can Daming ride fast? Yes, she can No, she can’t 同桌说一说,完成小短文。 I can _______, I can _____, I can_____, but I can’t_____. Can you help me? 同学们,快加入我们,去调查你的好朋友们擅长做的事情吧!加油哦! run play football row a boat jump play basketball ride a bike sing play table tennis fly a kite swim do taijiquan cook make a cake draw play the flute play the piano play the guitar Amy ride fast jump far jump high run fast good at names ... Make a survey


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