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musical adj. 精通音乐的 market n. 市场,集市 snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制) pipe n. (吹奏的)管乐器 tune n. 曲调 glimpse n. 一瞥 snake n. 蛇 movement n. 动作 continue v. 继续 dance v. 跳舞 obviously adv. 显然 difference n. 差别 Indian adj. 印度的 ▲musical adj. 1)音乐的 a musical instrument 乐器 a musical performance 音乐演奏 a musical film 音乐片 ▲musical adj. 2)(声音等)富有音乐性的,美妙的 a musical voice美妙的嗓音 ▲ market n.(商品的)市场,销路,需求(可数名词) market for… ……市场 The foreign markets for apple this year are not as good as last year. Can you find a market for these shoes? 你能给这些鞋找到销路吗? market price 市场价格 fair 1)集市(尤指买卖牲口,农产品的地方,在固定的地点定期举行,常伴有娱乐表演) 2)展览会 a world fair 博览会,展览会 shop 商店,店铺 department store ▲ snake charmer玩蛇者(借音乐控制) charmer n. 有吸引力的人 charm v.取悦,迷住,吸引 He charms everyone he meets. 他使他遇见的每一个人都很愉快。 We were charmed by the music. 我们陶醉在音乐中。 ▲ pipe n. 1)管子 a water-pipe 排水管 a gas-pipe 排气管 a waste pipe 排(排废水)水管 ▲ pipe n. 2)烟斗 smoke a pipe 吸烟斗 light ones pipe 点燃一斗烟 ▲ pipe n. 3)管乐器 a bamboo pipe 竹笛[b?mbu?] piper 吹笛者 ▲ tune n.曲调,曲子 play a tune吹奏曲子 The tune of this song is easy to remember. 这首歌的曲子很好记。 in tune和谐,协调 His ideas were in tune with the times. 他的思想合乎潮流。 Out of tune走调,不协调 He sang out of tune. 他唱歌走调。 ▲ glimpse 1)n.(通常作单数)一瞥,一看 I had a glimpse of his true feelings 我窥见到他的真实感情。 have a glimpse of…瞥见了 catch a glimpse of…一眼瞥见某人或某事物 get a glimpse of…瞥见;窥见 glance [glɑ?ns] n. 一瞥;一滑;闪光 take a glance at the TV programs 看一眼电视节目 ▲ glimpse 2)V.瞥见,乍看,看一眼 I glimpsed him running through the crowd. 我看见他跑过人群了。 He only glimpsed at my new dress and said nothing. 他看了一眼我的新裙子,什么也没说。 ▲ move v. 1)移动,改变位置 Don t move, stay still. Move a chair nearer to the fire. 把这把椅子移近火堆。 ▲ move v. 2)搬家,迁移 move from…to...从……搬到… They move from Taian to Nanjing. ▲ move v. 3)使(某人)感动,使动心、 The story move us deeply. 这个故事让我们深深感动了。 We were greatly moved by his performance of the piano c


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