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开心一笑 送给你的朋友,他们会一样的快乐!!! Give to your friend,and they will have the same happiness 开心一笑 人生要有目标和追求There should be the goal and pursue in life 经常保持微笑 开心一笑 学会和别人一块分享喜悦 Study to share the happiness with others 开心一笑 乐于助人 Ready to help others all the time 开心一笑 并保持自己的一颗童心 And keep a childlike innocence 开心一笑 学会和各种人愉快的相处 Learn to get along with various kinds of people happily 开心一笑 Keep sense of humour 保持幽默感 开心一笑 要关爱别人Care about others 开心一笑 学会宽恕他人 Learn to forgives others 开心一笑 有几个知心朋友 Have a few intimate friends 开心一笑 常和别人保持合作, 并从中获得乐趣 Often cooperate with others, and obtain enjoyment from it 开心一笑 最好能够有点男欢女爱,呵呵。。。 There can be love 开心一笑 保持高度的自信心 Keep strong self-confidence 开心一笑 尊重弱者 Respect the weak person 开心一笑 偶尔放纵自己一下 Indulge yourself once in a while 开心一笑 不做违法犯罪的事 Do not do the thing of breaking laws or committing the crime 开心一笑 具备胆识和勇气 Have courage and insight 开心一笑 不要狗拿耗子多管闲事 Do not want the dog to take mice officiously 开心一笑 要经常运动,比如提水 Do sports frequently, for example carry water 开心一笑 不要睡懒觉 Dont get up too late 开心一笑 经常出去呼吸一下新鲜空气 Often go out to breathe the fresh air. 开心一笑 对人对己都要严格要求 Be strict with yourself and others 开心一笑 有点成绩,不要总是沾沾自喜欢 When there is achievement, dont be always complacent. 开心一笑 不要总是追求不属于自己的东西 Dont always pursue the things that do not belong to you 开心一笑 登高望远能淘冶情操 Ascending a height can cultivate your sentiment. 开心一笑 每年去度假几次 Be on holidays several times every year 开心一笑 不要酗酒 Dont get drunk 开心一笑 不要财迷 Do not be a miser 开心一笑 凡事要量力而行 Do things within the limits of your own energy 开心一笑 要学会劳逸结合! learn keeping a proper balance between work and rest. 开心一笑 不要轻意向人发火 Dont get angry with people easily 开心一笑 要处世不惊 Be not amazed by somethin


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