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《儿童英语》教学设计 《儿童英语》Book 2 ——Lesson Three Let’s count 作者姓名:陈小碧 学校:东莞市麻涌镇中心小学 联系电话Email:92630@163.com Lesson Three Let’s count 教案设计 ( Book 2 ) 教材分析: 《Let’s count》选自《kid’s English》,是为小学一至二年级编写的英语教材。The song “Ten Little Rabbit” of 《Let’s count》是由学生熟悉的《十个印第安人》改编而成的。目的是用利用歌曲帮助学生学会1—10的数词。 学生分析: 一年级小学生刚刚步入儿童期,思维方式是以直观形象思维为主,无意注意占主导地位,乐于表现自我,对新鲜事物表现出极大的兴趣,因此,用游戏、表演的形式进行交流对学习运动英语是最恰当的。 设计理念: 整个课堂设计,首先以故事导入方式展示新课,再以故事为主线贯穿整个课堂,附以游戏活动进行巩固, 通过设计故事“十只小兔子来和同学们一起玩”来吸引学生主动参与学习过程,这样的设计既可吸引学生的注意力,也与学习内容相呼应。再通过“过三关”(show fingers, look and say numbers, 转盘游戏)游戏的设计以及“小兔考考你”(考验学生对常用报警电话号码119,122,110的熟悉程度)、小兔过马路(考验学生的逆向思维:倒数10-1)等游戏达到趣味性与使用性相结合,让学生在do ,act ,play中发展语言思维与交流能力。并在教学过程中适时渗透情感教育,让学生在游戏中去领悟道理,达到既教书又育人的目的。 Teaching contents: 1.A song: Ten Little Rabbits 2.Numbers:One to ten Teaching aims: 1.Able to sing the song “Ten Little Rabbits”. 2.Able to grape the numbers “one to ten”. Teaching key points: To grasp the pronunciation of the numbers “one to ten”. Teaching difficult points: The pronunciation of “three”and “five”. Teaching aids and preparation: The head decorations about ten little rabbits, word cards of “one to ten”, CAI, paper rabbits,CD-ROM, a modle rabbits’ house, ten students act ten little rabbits. Teaching procedure: Warm up: Greeting: T: Hello,boys and girls. How are you today? Ss:Fine,thank you! Sing a song:How are you?. 讲述评价机制:In this class,we will have some competitions.If you say “Let me try!” and you are right or your group is excellent,you can get the paper rabbits.At last,we will choose the best group,OK?(Teacher says it with actions.) Presentation: 1、Teach the new song :Ten Little Rabbits. Step 1:Present the new song T:Now let’s begin our new lesson.Today I have some friends to introuce to you.Do you want to know my friends? Ss:Yes! T:Now please look here,and then you can see my friends. CAI presents the new song “Ten Little Rabbit”.(T sings it with showing fingers after the CAI.) Teach: rabbit ,jump. T:Now do you know who


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