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量子点在生物分析中的应用 2010.12.08 量子点在生物及医学方面的应用 量子点在DNA杂交分析中的应用 Scheme 1:Schematic Representation of GO-Induced Fluorescence Quenching of MB-QDs and Biosensing Mechanism Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 5511–5517 Figure 1 : Fluorescence emission spectra of (A) QDs (120 nM), (B)MB-QDs (120 nM), and (C) MB-QDs incubated with target (800nM) in HB buffer before (a) and after (b) adding GO (0.1 μg/mL) for5 min. 量子点在特定生物识别中的应用 Scheme 2:QD-encoded aptamer-linked nanostructures for multiplex detection. Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 4120-4125 Figure 2. Steady-state emission spectra of mixed sensors. (A) Mixed sensor alone, or with 1 mM cytidine, or with 1 mM cytidine and 1 mM uridine. (B) Mixed sensor with 1 mM adenosine added. (C) Mixed sensor with 1 mM cocaine added. (D) Mixed sensor with 1 mM adenosine and 1 mM cocaine added. 量子点在检测细胞表面糖蛋白的应用 Schematic Representation of the Monolayer Fabrication and the Competitive Assay J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2008, 130, 7224–7225 Figure 3. Topographic images of (A) MUA/Au, (B) ADH/MUA/Au, (C)mannan/ADH/MUA/Au, and (D) QD-Con A/BSA-blocked mannan/ADH/MUA/Au. 量子点在检测细胞内代谢途径中的应用 Figure 4. a) Sensing of NADH by Nile-blue-functionalized CdSe/ZnS QDs. b) Timedependent fluorescence changes as a result of the interaction of the functionalized QDs with 0.5 mm NADH.c) Fluorescence intensity ratios of the modified QDs after the addition of different concentrations of NADH and the fluorescence intensities prior to the addition of NADH. Angew. Che


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