2013高中英语 Period 2 Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修52013高中英语 Period 2 Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修5.doc

2013高中英语 Period 2 Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修52013高中英语 Period 2 Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修5.doc

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2013高中英语 Period 2 Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修52013高中英语 Period 2 Cultural Corner导学案 新人教版必修5

Period 2 Cultural Corner 【大成目标】 1. Read the text and learn more about carnival.(重点) 2.Read and learn how to write an e-mail.(难点) 使用说明: 1.课前完成基础案Ⅰ. Ⅱ。 2.建议使用二课时。 第一课时: Ⅰ.词汇拓展 1.relaxing→______ v. 放松→______n. 休息,放松→______ adj. 放松的,松懈的 2.transport→______n. 运输 3.abolish→______n. 废除,取消 4.celebration→______v. 庆祝 5.origin→______adj. 原来的,起初的→______v. 起源,发源 Ⅱ. 短语互译 1.______ 或多或少    more and more ______ still/much less ______ 2.______ 冲洗,冲刷,配着食物喝 wash off______ have a wash______ 3.______对……评价高 think of...as ______ think twice ______ think up ______ 4.______由……组成 consist in ______ consist with ______ 5.______ 接管 take up ______ take in ______ take off______ Ⅲ.根据首字母提示填写单词 1.As a big power country,America has to i______ large quantities of oil from the Middle East. 2.The government should a______ income tax for the low-paid. 3.Meteorites (陨石) may hold clues about the o______ of life on Earth. 4.These pancakes made by my mother are really t______. 5.We visited the m______ Summer Palace in Beijing and felt very happy. 6.They had a party in c______ of the tenth anniversary of Macaus return to our motherland. 答案: Ⅰ.1.relax;relaxation;relaxed 2.transportation 3.abolishment 4.celebrate 5.original;originate Ⅱ. 1.more or less;越来越多;更谈不上,更不用说 2.wash down;将……洗净,洗掉;洗个澡 3.think much of;认为……是;再三考虑;想出,构思出(主意等) 4.consist of;在于;与……相一致 5.take over;占据;吸收;起飞,脱下 Ⅲ.1.import 2.abolish 3.origins 4.tasty 5.magnificent 6.celebration Ⅳ.. Fast-reading: Read and underline the topic sentences ( using your own words ) about every paragraph. Paragraph1: We can understand what carnival is all about by reading the history of America and the meeting of two cultures. Paragraph2: The slave trade brought millions of black people to the new world. Paragraph3: The slaves were forced to watch their European masters to celebrate carnival and then they began to hold carnival with their own features. Paragraph4: Carnival became a celebration of freedom. Paragraph5: As time went on, carnival beca


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