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PE管施工安装技术 摘 要 在二十一世纪的今天,随着我国国民经济实力的不断增强,建筑业的迅速发展,建筑物的总体建设水平不断提高。建筑内部的给水排水工程是建筑设备中的重要组成部分,其技术水平及先进性直接影响建筑物的使用功能,与人们生活、环境、安全息息相关,涉及到千家万户,与社会的环境保护,水资源的合理利用,可持续性发展紧密相连。 建筑给水排水工程发展迅速,在理论和实践上都将不断地完善和发展,对建筑材料,特别是给水给水管道的质量提出了更高的要求。PE管材作为新型管材的塑料管道在我国发展很快,质量在不断提高。目前,已初步形成以聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管、聚乙烯(PE)管和聚丙烯(PP-R)管为主的塑料管产业。其中聚乙烯(PE)管由于其自身独特的优点被广泛的应用于建筑给水,建筑排水,埋地排水管,建筑采暖、输气管,电工与电讯保护套管、工业用管、农业用管等。其主要应用于城市供水、城市燃气供应及农田灌溉。:PE pipe installation technology Abstract Today in twenty-first Century, along with our country national economy, the rapid development of the building industry, building the overall construction level rises ceaselessly. Inside of the building water supply and drainage engineering is an important part of construction equipment, its technical level and advanced directly affects the using function of building, and people life, environment, security, involving thousands of households, and social environmental protection, rational use of water resources, sustainable development is linked together cheek by jowl. Building water supply and drainage engineering is developing rapidly, both in theory and in practice to constantly improve and development, for building materials, in particular water supply pipe quality put forward higher requirements. PE pipe as a new pipe plastic pipe develops very quickly in our country, then to constantly improve the production process, the continuous improvement in the quality of. At present, preliminary already form with polyvinyl chloride ( PVC-U ) pipe, polyethylene ( PE ) and polypropylene ( PP-R )consisting mainly of plastic pipe industry. One of the polyethylene ( PE ) tube because of its unique advantages are widely used in building water supply, drainage of building, underground drainage pipe, building heating, gas, electrical and Telecommunications protection casing, industrial pipes, agricultural pipe etc.. It is mainly used in city water supply, city gas supply and irrigation. This thesis is about the new PE pipeline construc


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