Slope drainage pipe must comply with the design requirements.doc

Slope drainage pipe must comply with the design requirements.doc

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Slope drainage pipe must comply with the design requirements, it is strictly prohibited without the slope and the slope. Test method: use level, arrows, and feet quantity check. (2) must be done before pipeline buried irrigation experiment and water test, drainage should be smooth, no blockage, no leakage pipe interface. Test method: according to the drainage well segmented tests, test head shall be made in test section upstream tube top to add 1 m, time is not less than 30 min, piecewise observation. project in general (1) the pipeline coordinates and elevation should meet the design requirements. (2) the cast iron drainage pipe using cement twist, hemp oil tamponade should be close-grained, interface of cement should be compacted and the edge of the recessed socket interface surface and depth shall not be greater than 2 mm. Inspection method: to observe the feet and check. (3) cast iron drainage pipe outer wall before installation should be rust removal, paint twice asphalt paint. Inspection method: to observe the examination. (4) socket interface drainage pipe installation, the socket of pipes and pipe fittings shall be the flow in the opposite direction. Inspection method: to observe the examination. (5) concrete or reinforced concrete tube using wipe with interface, shall meet the following requirements: 1) wipe with before the walls of the tube should be cut hair, keep clean, when the pipe diameter less than or equal to 500 mm, wipe with a one time; When the pipe diameter greater than 500 mm should be put into twice, wipe with shall not have cracks. 2) wire mesh should be put below, in front of the tube in place should be wire mesh when plastering mortar plastering, steel mesh shall not be exposed. 3) on tape thickness not less than the thickness of tube wall, the width should be 80-100 - mm. Inspection methods: observation and quantity check. Pool drainage pipeline and well drainage trench excavation (1)


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