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The Guardian UK 300 The Guardian UK 300 is compiled from one of the biggest ever surveys of students. I. The survey ranks the 300 most popular UK employers AND the most popular employers within the major graduate career sectors. The UK’s Top 10 Dream Job 1 . Pilot travel the world. Have chance to stay in a luxury hotel in an exotic part of the world for a week get a different view they are essentially locked in with one other colleague for what could be a very long and boring flight Working for a charity or not-for-profit organization 3. Writer Making things up for a living, allowing your imagination and creativity to run riot all over the page. look at the multi-millions raked in by the likes of JK Rowling Photographer Musician or singe 5. Sports trainer or coach 6. Formula 1, Moto GP or rally driver 8. Actor 9. Journalist a life of rehashing press releases and reporting on mind-numbing meetings. 10. Artist could imagine lazy days with a paintbrush and their imagination. verge artist makes about £7,000 a year from their art, and makes the rest up with desperate and unfulfilling work Britain’s Best-Paid Jobs 1. Company Directors Pay:£171,509 Job Description:Oversees all aspects of a company, including its goals and policies. 2. Doctors Pay:£81,744 Job Description:Diagnose and treat illness, disease and infection in patients admitted into hospital or treated in outpatient clinics. 3. Brokers Pay:£80,233 Job Description:Managing investments for clients or companies. Buy and sell stocks, shares and other financial products to get the best return for their clients. Curiously, what the salary survey doesnt answer is why, no matter how much you earn, its never quite enough to pay off the credit card or buy a new washing machine when you need one Underemployment affects 10.5% of UK workforce One in 10 of all workers in the UK is now officially underemployed, according to a study from the Office For National Statistics (ONS). The main reason for the growth of und


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