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The Development of Ancient China A.社会(政治体制) 1,中国是世界上文明发达最早的国家之一(China is one of the countries in the world, which is earliest to reach its cultural flourishment.) 2,中国古代史经历了以下几个阶段Stage :原始社会(primitive society)、奴隶社会(slave society)(170万年前-公元前476年)和封建社会(feudal society)。 Primitive Society 中国是人类重要的发源地之一,经过漫长的进化,产生了不同时期的原始人(primitive man)、氏族部落(Clans),如 元谋人(Homo erectus yuanmouensis)(About 17,000,000 years ago)、 蓝田人(Lantian Man)( About 800,000 years ago)、 北京人Sinanthropus pekinensis (About 700,000-200,000 years ago)、 山顶洞人(Upper Cave Man)(About 30,000 years ago) 半坡人(Banpo Man)(About 5,000-6,000 years ago) 原始人群(primitive crowd)、母系社会((matriarchal society)和父系社会(patrilineal society) Slave society 夏Xia Dynasty、商Shang Dynasty、周Zhou Dynasty、春秋The Spring and Autumn Period Feudal society 3,其中封建社会可分为五个阶段: 一、战国、秦、汉是封建社会形成(formation)和初步发展(initial development)阶段。 二、三国、两晋、南北朝,是封建国家分裂(Feudal national secession)和民族大融合(national integration)的阶段 三、隋唐五代时期是封建社会的繁荣阶段(prosperity phase ) 。 四、辽、宋、夏、金、元,是民族融合进一步加强和封建经济继续发展的阶段。 五、明、清(鸦片战争前),是统一的多民族国家巩固和封建制度渐趋衰落阶段。 B.思想 中国古代思想的发展也就是儒家思想的发展 a.During the Warring States period:A hundred schools of thought contend(百家争鸣) 1, Confucianism ,Confucius, the founder Confucius (traditionally 28 September 551 BC --- 479 BC) lived between 551 and 479 during the late years of the Spring and Autumn Period of China. He was a great thinker, educator and statesman as well as one of the most learnt people at that time. So he was horned as “the sage of sages” and the teacher of all ages. Ren Mencius claimed that human nature was good meaning humans have inborn tendencies toward virtue. Without being taught, people have at least momentary feelings of compassion for the sufferings of others. Yi If we cultivate this feeling of compassion, it will develop into the virtue of benevolence. If we cultivate our sense of shame, it will develop to the virtue of righteousness. 1.4 Li Moral ways of conduct refers to any of the secular social functions of daily life, akin to


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