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The Exhibition of the Four Treasures of the Study in Anhui Anhui Museum November, 2001 Introduction Being the traditional Chinese writing tools, the well-known four treasures of the study including the Chinese writing paper, ink -stick, writing brush and ink -slab made a great contribution to the inheritance of Chinese culture and the advancement of world civilization. The four treasures can be found in Anhui province, for Anhui is the birthplace for xuanzhi (rice paper made in Xuancheng, Anhui Province), Huimo (ink-stick produced in Huizhou, Anhui Province), xuanbi(writing brush produced in Xuancheng, Anhui Province) and sheyan(ink –slab made in Shexian, Anhui Province). For a thousand years, the Four Treasures in Anhui Province have gradually developed into a work of art at the command of practicality and appreciation due to the development of culture and the refining and producing work of the innumerable skilled craftsmen. Their abundant cultural connotations and clear-cut characteristics of the time are a vital ingredient of the traditional Chinese culture. While those auxiliary stationeries such as Bitong(Pen container), mochuang (ink rest) , yandi (a tool for dropping water into the ink-slab) and shuiyu(water container) have a general and elegant name as wenfangqinggong due to their varied types and fabulously beautiful shapes, all of them together with the four treasures of the study become an indispensable part of Chinese calligraphy and Chinese landscape brush painting The exhibition also unfolds the making process of the writing brush, ink stick, writing paper and ink slab in order to let the viewers see the ancients’ ingenuities and feel their delicate emotions, prominent ideas and the extensive and profound Chinese culture as well. Part1---the everlasting paper-xuanzhi (rice paper made in Xuancheng, Anhui Province) Brief introduction: Paper-making technique, originated from more than 2000 years ago, is one of the


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