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distinct transcends overt complex ethnic conversely sufficient demonstrates correspond has been granted 5/19 assimilating physical characteristic however loose-fitting blouse non-native American women 6/19 distinguish appearance share former Conversely encompass ethnic cases difference impossible relocation globalization identity costume remote 12/19 may also vary with the level of ethnic identity came under the domaination of one or two of the more powerful ethnic group For the sake of brevity some African-Americans would be identified as Native Americans on the basis of physicl appearance alone unit 2 3/17 act on your own better judgment the age of charity and kindiness the low and unrefined in the eyes to the good and the pure superiors reputation acknowledge permanently awkward maintain graceful confess resemble treasured in the long run resort to confine long to 13/17 espectful onfess eseechingly harity ermanently ensible wkward nclose ainstakingly onfound longed to in the long run resort to apply themselves to are apt to 15/17 hardly observation of others pleased same equally tone pretend majority 新时代交互英语读写译3级荅案 第三单元 (第四版) 3/16 qualify appropriated proposes intelligent anticipating approve pursue obligation render 4/16 springs from in style for fear of for the sake of 10/16 12/16 ndolent welling ntelligent ympathy apse rief elatively ray wist ursue 13/16 springs from on behalf of died from go through recovering from 14/16 新时代交互英语读写译3级荅案 第四单元 (第四版) 3\18 food-borne illnesses fatal digestive tract illnesses edible vegetables store at room temperature make safe for consumption a fast-food restaurant chain prevent loss of control over make up only a fraction of affect just a few victims protect food from microorganisms 4\18 severe constitutes infect detected loss raw absence outcome thorough decay 5/18 died of suffers from focus on On occasion



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