新概念2 UNIT 2 测试.docx

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Final examinationName:_______Class:________Score:________Part 1 Listening (20’)I.选出你所听到的单词(5分)1. A. wantB. what C. waterD. where2. A. feed B. feel C. foot D. food3.A. read B. red C. ready D. rip4.A. street B. roof C. tree D. three5.A. spell B. speak C. spring D. sportII.听句子选答案:根据你所听到的句子,选出最适当的应答(5分)A. There is something wrong with our throats.B. Yes, he is helping me with Maths.C. Do you want to sit with John.D. I’m afraid not.2. A. No, I’m not hungry yet..B. No, but I’m not hungry yet.C. Yes, I’ve finished it this morning.D. Yes, I’d like to show you around.3.A. What about a handkerchief?B. Put on your sports shoes.C. Don’t be nervous.D. I’m sure you’ll be the best.4.A. Oh, thank you.B. Really?C. That’s fantastic!D. I can’t believe it!5.A. Of course, you can.B. No problem.C. Sorry, but she is away.D. Hold on, please.III对话理解:根据你听到的对话,选出最恰当的答案。(5分)1.A. In a coffee bar.B. In a fast food restaurant.C. In a bar.D. In a drugstore.2.A. 8:00,9:00…B. 7:50,8:50…C. 7:30,8:30…D. 8:10,9:10…3.A. They are going to cross a bridge.B. They are going to visit a bridge.C. They are going to see a play.D. They are going to play a game.4.A. It would be wonderful.B. It would be very interesting.C. It would be just so-so.D. It would be exciting.5.A. He’s got everything ready to leave.B. He’ll pack one more thing into his bag.C. He can’t find his digital camera.D. He found something missing while packing.IV.短文理解:根据你所听到的短文,选出最恰当的答案。(5分)How many people are there in Sara’s family?A. 7B. 4C. 5D.3Which of the following statements is TRUE about Sara’s car?A. A two-door grey Touran.B. A three-door Buick.C. A four-door blue Toyota.D. A two-door green Deleca.Why were things in that department store on sale?Because it was a holiday.Because the department store would be closing down soon.Because something was out of date.The passage does not tell us.How much cheaper was the toaster that Sara bought?A. $20B. $9C. $50D. $10Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?Sara went


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