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新概念2册高频错题篇 句子填空 Sally 昨天下午在房间里很仔细地完成了功课。 Sally ____ ____ ____ ____in her room yesterday afternoon. Whose dinner did you have to pay for?(Mr. Roberts)用括号中的词回答问题? I have to pay for ____ ____ dinner. 3. 我们最近很忙。(busy) We ____ ____ ____ ____ recently. 4.我们所有人明天会从德国出发,去往英国。 We all ______________________________England tomorrow. 5. 我父亲卖这架钢琴已经超过1年了。(完成时) My father _________________________for more than one year. 6.我做了一个很重大的决定:戒烟。 I have made____ ____ ____ ____ ____ quit smoking. 7.耗资一百万美元,政府发射了一枚卫星。(launch) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ at a cost of 1 million dollars. 8.我昨天得知在之前的比赛里并没有额外的奖励。 Yesterday ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ the extra prize in the match. 9.(注意:一格可能不止一词) 1.)跟朋友两天的时候,他突然间看到了桌上的信封。(catch,talk) He ____ sight of an evelope when he ____ his friends. 2.)我爸爸喜欢吃好饭后去公园溜达。(wander) My father likes ____ in a park after dinner. 3.)我花了一整天才把房子油漆完毕。(take sb…to do) It ____me the whole day _______________my house. 4.)妈妈多我的表现很满意。(pleased) My mother _____________________ my performance. 10.昨天我给她寄了一份礼物以回报他的帮助。 Yesterday,I _____ _____ _____ _____ in return for his help. 11.这则消息使我感到震惊。(shock) I ____ very ____ _____ the news. 12.他告诉我他要到下午才回来。(until) He told me that he ____ ____ _____ ____ the afternoon. 13.傍晚Smith一家人将会离开北京,所以我们将会见面并道别。 The Smiths will leave Beijing late in the afternoon so we ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ them. 14.他很忙,所以别期望他会呆在这儿超过一个星期。 He is very busy,so don’t ____ ____ ____ ____ here for longer than a week. 15.这篇课文很重要,请注意这篇课文。 The text is very important. Please ____ ____ ____ it. 16.昨天晚上做饭的时候我才发现咸盐用完了。 I found the salt ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ I was making dinner yesterday evening. 17. 至今他已得了5次奖。(win) Up till now he ____ ____ ____ ____. 18. (注意:一格可能不止一词) I lit the fire and it ______(burn) brightly when my wife _____(come) back at 9:00. 19. (注意:一格可能不止一词) What do you think of your next-door neighbor?(hospitable) He’s one of the _______________________ I ‘ve ever met. 20.1.) 他从同龄的朋友那里收到了一个盒子,里面有张卡片。(receive)


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