新概念2册47课 a thirsty ghost.doc

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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第课 单词[θ?:sti] adj. thirstier, thirstiest 1) eg. I am very thirsty. /I feel very thirsty. eg. I am thirsty to death. eg. I’m hungry to death. eg. I’m hot to death. 。 eg. I’m frightened to death. 。 2) eg. We are thirsty for knowledge. eg. The young politician was thirsty for power. 3) a thirsty ghost thirst [θ?:st] 1) n. [U] eg. They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst. 2) n. [C] (single) the thirst for sth the thirst for knowledge the thirst for fame the thirst for revenge revenge [rivend?] n. vt. 2. ghost [ɡ?ust] n. 1) eg. Very few people believe in ghost eg. Very few people believe in ghost story ghost story 2) eg. He hasn’t got the ghost of a chance of of winning the first prize. 3. haunt [h?:nt] 1) v. eg. A ghost is said to haunt the house. / The house is said to be haunted. eg. The spirit haunts the castle. eg. Home is a man’s castle. castle [kɑ:sl] n. 2) eg. This is one of the bars I used to haunt. eg. I hear you haunt that disco. haunted [h ?:nt?d] adj. a haunted melody melody [mel?di] n. 4. block [bl?k] 1) n. a block of rock a block of marble 2) eg. The post office is two blocks away. 3) a block of flats an office block a tower block 4) (usu, single) a block on the road a block in the pipe eg. The government’s attitude was a block to further talks. block-head air-head bad-egg good-egg 5) v. eg. The accident blocked traffic in the town center. eg. Heavy snow is blocking all roads to Beijing. eg. The door was blocked by chairs. eg. Her father blocked her plan to study abroad. 5. furniture [f?:nit??] [U] n. a piece of furniture / an article of furniture eg. We had little furniture. furnish [f?:ni?] v. eg. The apartment is well furnished. eg. The apartment is badly furnished. 6. whisky (or:whiskey) [wiski] 1) [U] drink whisky and water whisky on the rocks 2) [C] eg. Two whiskies, please. 7. suggest [s?d?est] 1) v. eg. Her pale face suggests that she is ill. eg. Are you su


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