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食品专业英语习题集 专业词汇 食品工业 发酵 单元操作 包装食品 碳水化合物 多糖 单糖 葡萄糖 果糖 蔗糖 乳糖 麦芽糖 软饮料 还原糖 乳糖不耐症 糖醇 焦糖化 美拉德褐变 氨基酸 纤维素 淀粉 膳食纤维 糊化 乳化 肽键 变性 二硫键 胶原蛋白 等电点 酶 酶促褐变 酵母 霉菌 有机溶剂 配方食品 甘油三酸脂 脂肪酸 熔点 氢化 饱和脂肪酸 起酥油 脱脂牛奶 色拉调料 塑性脂肪 脂肪氧化 货架期 必需脂肪酸 异味 自由基 抗氧化剂 真空包装 前体 胡萝卜素 肠道 抗生素疗法 腊肉t 渗透压 细胞膜 紫外线 诱导期 判断题 1. The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, C, D, and K. ( ) 2. The mineral elements and vitamins belong to the macronutrients which we needed in relatively large amounts. ( ) 3. The simple sugars are basically aliphatic polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. ( ) 4. Amino acids with nonpolar R groups are less soluble in aqueous solvents than amino acids with polar uncharged R groups. ( ) 6. Amino acids with hydrophilic R groups can hydrogen-bond with water and are generally soluble in aqueous solutions. The hydroxyls of serine, threonine, and cysteine are the functional moieties present in R groups of this class of amino acids, ( ) 7. Hemoglobin and myogobin are hemo-containing proteins that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and muscles. ( ) 8. The water-soluble vitamins include vitamins D, niacin, thiamin and biotin. ( ) 9. The carbohydrate, fat and protein belong to the macronutrients which we needed in relatively large amounts. ( ) 10. As open-chain hydroxyl aldehydes and hydroxyl ketones, the monosaccharides are called reducing sugar. ( ) 11. The reducing sugar include sucrose. ( ) 12. The carotenoid belong to phospholipid. ( ) 13. The amino acid with positively charged (basic) R groups at pH 6-7 are lysine, arginine, and histidine. ( ) 14. The linear sequence of amino acids in protein is referred to as “primary structure”. ( ) 15. Food preparation doesn’t involve mixing, heating or cooling, pressure cooking, fermentation, or combination with other food. ( ) 16. Food processing is the methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food for human consumpti



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