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Group no.2 Shadow play (皮影) 于玲 Chinese knot (中国结)杜静 paper-cut (剪纸) 常艳红 Facemakeup (脸谱) 李梦玲 Acrobatics (杂技) 闫红莲 Shadow play Origin (起源) The origin of the name (名称由来) Development (皮影的发展) Origin Western Han Dynasty two thousand years ago Originated in China, Shanxi name shadow, shadow play, soil film. the shadow is for the use of leather materials, it is better to leather and donkey skin. Development 1. It is decorated with different patterns, concise and not empty. 2.Each image is not only engaging local, but the overall fit both substantial and vivid, perfect form of art as a whole. It is the oldest variety Arts Chinese and even in the world In the domestic skin ever position, similar to the Qin Shihuang Terracotta Army in Chinese Archaeology status. Maybe Coffee drink many feel dull, perhaps busy for a long time and hope the deposition and accumulation. At about 90 in the early 1980s, modern people began the start of the traditional search knot. paper-cut Twelve chinese zodiac signs Influence Folk paper-cut the creators of the paper cutting as a part of life, longing for a better life and worship of ancient totem Folk paper cutting is the main contents of expression. 年年有余 Every year have enough thing to spend Beijing Opera types of facial makeup in art Contents The formation of the Peking Opera Character classification The color of the facial makeup symbol Beijing Opera big four The formation of the Peking Opera symbol: Four HuiBan xi (1790) Into practice: In 1840 Character classification sheng: the male character type in Beijing opera. dan: the female character type in Beijing opera HUADAN Peking Opera Blues OLD DAN JING: the “painted face”, a character type in Beijing opera, etc. military jing CHOU: clown in Beijing opera the “painted face”, The color of the facial makeup symbol 1、RED FACE Represent brave compassionate justice, such as guan yu. 2、


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