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Chapter 1 An Overview (II) What is covered last time: 1.1 Defining culture 1.2 European culture: a brief introduction Today we will deal with: 1.3 General knowledge of Chinese culture 1.3 General knowledge of Chinese culture P.01 China has a long history. It is a multi-ethnic nation with the world’s largest population. 中国有悠久的历史。它是一个有着世界最多人口的多民族的国家。 (English way of Chinese) 中国 || 历史悠久,民族众多,人口居世界第一。 Contrast: Chinese features: frequent use of phrases with variant subjects; frequent use of 4-character phrases; topic-prominent language. English features: use of long sentences with the same subject; subject-prominent language [Of the four oldest recorded civilization in the world,] the Chinese civilization is the only one that has an uninterrupted history. 在全世界四个最古老的有文字记载的文明中,中国文明是唯一没有中断历史的一个。 (English way of Chinese) 全世界有文字记载的最古老文明有四个,其中唯独中国文明在历史上从未中断过。 Contrast: Chinese features: 2 clauses with 2 subjects English features: 1 long sentence with 1 subject 千百年来,在这片广袤的土地上,中国人民耕耘、生活,创造并发展了其独特的文化。 For many centuries, the Chinese people have been farming and living on this vast land, creating and developing her unique culture. P.02 国庆节 National Day 纪念 in honor of (commemorate) 中华人民共和国(中华民国) the People’s Republic of China (P. R. China) (cf. Republic of China) 第一次全体会议 the First Plenary Session 中华人民共和国政治协商会议(政协) The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 中国共产党 the Communist Party of China (CPC) 五星红旗red five-star flag Cf. 星条旗,杰克旗 Stars and Stripes, Union Jack 国徽 national emblem 第一届政协全国委员会 the First CPPCC National Committee 公布 promulgation 天安门城楼 the Tian’anmen Rostrum 新民主主义革命(阶段) the New-Democratic Revolution (stage) 五四运动 the May 4th Movement 人民民主专政 the people’s democratic dictatorship 工农联盟 worker-peasant alliance 反帝反封建革命运动 revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism 中国人民在十月一日庆祝国庆节,以纪念中华人民共和国成立。 The Chinese celebrate October 1 as National Day in honor of the founding of the People’s Republic of China on Octobre 1, 1949. 四颗小星围绕着一颗大


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