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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目: 康宝莱公司体育营销策略研究 系 部 经济与管理学院 学科门类 经济学 专 业 经济学 学 号 0806111027 姓 名 叶露露 指导教师 翟光红 2012年 5 月 4 日 康宝莱公司体育营销策略研究 摘 要 随着社会的进步,各行各业的竞争压力逐渐加大。越来越多的品牌企业逐步认识到:理智的消费者拥有自主选择权,他们在享受产品提供应有的各种功能的同时,更希望从产品中得到生动的感性体验。近些年,愈演愈烈的体育营销恰恰以其特有的公益性、互动性和成本效益优势成为消费者和商家共同青睐的品牌传播方式。企业为自己制定合适的营销战略已成为企业市场营销的当务之急。康宝莱公司自成立以来,一直注重走好体育营销这条营销战略之路。首先,论文从体育营销的起源以及国内外发展现状来具体阐述体育营销的相关概念和范畴,接着,引出康宝莱公司,以他的体育营销的历程和效果为研究对象,分析康宝莱公司选择体育营销的原因以及通过体育营销所能达到的效果。最后,从上述成果中找出康宝莱公司体育营销中会面临的问题,并将问题一一分析说明,并提出相应的改进措施以及合理对策建议 来解决以上的问题。 关键词:康宝莱 营销 体育营销 ABSTRACT With the prog ress of society, the competition of all trades and professions gradually increase pressure. More and more brand enterprises gradually realized: rational consumers have the option, they enjoy the products provide a variety of functions at the same time, the products get vivid emotional experience. In recent years, the growing sports marketing is precisely to its unique public welfare, interactions and cost-effectiveness advantage to become consumers and businessmen favored brand communication. Enterprises make their own suitable marketing strategy has become a pressing matter of the moment of enterprise marketing. Company since its inception, has been focusing on good sports marketing the marketing strategy of. First of all, the paper from the sports marketing and development status at home and abroad analyzes sports marketing concept and category, then, led to his company, sports marketing present situation and the results as the research object, analysis Compro company hung company causes as well as through and marketing can be achieved. Finally, from the above results find Herbalife sports marketing will be faced with the problem, and will issue one one analysis, and proposed the corresponding improvement measures and reasonable measures to solve the problems above, live. Key words: Herbalife ma


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