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这三组句子中的A、B句看上去很相近,因此,同学们在判断空格线上所使用的引导词时很容易出错。我们来作一解析:上述各组A句中先行词所表示的是从句中谓语动词动作发生的地点或时间,如1A句空格中指的是in the school, 2A句空格中指的是on the day, 3A句空格中指的是in the city,因此,引导词指的是状语,从句谓语动词与先行词之间是一种谓状关系,要分别用 where, when, where;而上面各组B句中的先行词表示的是定语从句的宾语或主语,如1B句中的 built the school, 2B句中的fixed the day, 3B句中的the place has,从句谓语动词与先行词之间是一种动宾或主谓关系,因此,引导词要用关系代词that或which(3B句是一个非限制性定语从句,只能用which)。  关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,关系代词常省去。如:The play(which)I watched just now had been on twice on Channel 3.我刚才看的那个戏剧在3频道上已上演了两次。A. That is the school _____________we studied three years ago. B. That is the school ____________ we built three years ago. 2.A. I’ve forgotten the exact day ______ he gave me the film copy. B. I’ve forgotten the exact day ______ he fixed for me to have the operation. 3. A. Beijing is a city ____________ there is the famous Summer Palace. B. Beijing is China’s political and cultural center, ____________ has the most universities. 通过解析我们可知:判断是用关系代词还是关系副词要看先行词在从句中的指代。如果是谓语与状语的关系,就用关系副词,如果是主谓或是动宾关系就用关系代词。 2. 定冠词的有无 (1) This is one of the books that_______ (sell) well in the bookstore. (2) This is the one of the books that _________ (sell) well in the bookstore. 有时定冠词在句中有决定性的作用。有无定冠词影响着定语从句的结构。如: sell取单数还是复数?分析:在(1)中,that 引导的定语从句修饰的是the books, 而(2)中one前有了一个the, 句子重心前移,这时从句修饰的是the one。因此(1)应用sell, (2)应用sells。 再看: (1) Is this the boy _______ you want to talk to? (2) Is this boy __________ you want to talk to? 在这两个句子中,(1)the boy 是先行词,它在主句中是表语,定语从句修饰的是主句的表语,因此空格处应用whom, that(甚至who 也可以); 但(2)则不同,从结构上看,这个主句不全,this boy是主语,is是系动词,没有表语(先行词),所以首先要补上先行词(名词或代词),写成Is this boy the boy ______ you want to talk to?这里boy重复,用one代替,然后再在空白处加上关系代词whom(who),或that,即是Is this boy the one whom (that) you want to talk to? 3. 注意标点符号的形式 有时我们会见到这样的句子: (1) Entering the room, I found a note on the table, _________ read: I’ve left for Harbin. (1) Entering the room, I found a note on the table. __________ read: I’ve left for Harbin. 一个标点符号决定一个句子的结构。在(1)中,横线前是一个逗号,说明逗号前后是一个句子的两个部分。根据句意可知逗号后是一个非限制性定语从句,因此横线部分用which。(2)中前后两句之间用了句号,说


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