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For the Chilgren By Audrey Hepburn为了孩奥黛丽·赫本Up until some eighteen months ago-before Iwas given the great privilege of becoming a volunteer for UNICEF - I used to beoverwhelmed by a sense of desperation and helplessness when watching televisionor reading about the indescribable misery of the developing worlds childrenand their mothers. 就在18个月前,当我有幸成为联合国儿童基金会的一名志愿者之前,每当在电视上或者报纸上看到发展中国家的那些母亲和儿童遭遇的令人难以置信的悲剧时,我常常会感到无限的绝望和无助。If I feel less helpless today, it isbecause I have now seen what can be done and what is being done by UNICEF, bymany other organizations and agencies, by the churches, by governments, andmost of all, with very little help, by people themselves. And yet, we must domore about the alarming state of the children in the developing world-many areonly just surviving-especially when we know that the finances needed areminimal compared to the global expenditure of this world, and when we know thatless than half of one percent of todays world economy would be the totalrequired to eradicate the worst aspects of poverty and to meet basic humanneeds over the next ten years. In other words, there is no deficit in human resources-thedeficit is in human will. 现在当我再看到这样的故事时,已经不那么觉得无助了。因为现在我知道联合国儿童基金会以及另外一些组织、机构、教会、政府都在努力帮助他们。但是,我们还应该为那些处于危险状态的发展中国家的儿童们做更多的事情,他们中的一些人现在处于仅仅能够活命的状况。尤其是我们要明白这样一个事实--他们所需的财力上的帮助相对于全世界的花销来说,只是小小的一部分;我们也明白,拿出不到世界经济0.5%的力量,就足以根除地球上最贫穷的情况,使这些人们在今后十年获得基本的生存需求。换句话说,人类的资源不存在不充足的问题,不充足的是人们的意愿。The question I am most frequently asked is:What do you really do for UNICEF? Clearly, my task is to inform, tocreate awareness of the need of children. To fully understand the problems ofthe state of the worlds children, it would be nice to be an expert oneducation, economics, politics, religious traditions, and cultures. I am noneof these things, but I am a mother. 人们最常问我的一个问题是:你真正为联合国儿童基金会做了什么?很明显,我的职责是通过自己的努力,使社会了解和意识到儿童的需要。如果我是一位教育家、经济学家、政治家、宗教学家或者文化专家的话,我将能更深刻地了解当今世界上的儿童问题。尽管我不是上述任何一种专家,但是,我是一位母亲。There is unhappily a need for greateradvocacy for children


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