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随着全球经济一体化趋势的加剧,引发企业危机的诱因愈发多样,而财务危机作为企业危机中最显著、最综合的表现,其预示和决定着企业的生死存亡。由此,探索企业财务危机的演化机理和演化路径,并以此提出切实可行的财务危机控制策略,是当前学术界和实务界亟待解决的关键性问题。目前,国内外关于企业财务危机的文献已比较成熟,也取得了一定的研究成果。然而这些研究大多局限于从财务活动本身出发探讨财务危机的形成,而缺乏从系统全局的角度考虑财务危机的演化过程,所以很难从根源上找出企业财务的病因所在,也就无法为企业管理者所用。由此,笔者从复杂系统的角度出发,通过探索企业财务多主体间的演化博弈行为,深入剖析企业财务危机的演化机理,为企业在错综复杂的危机因素中分类制定对策和措施提供依据。 With the intensification of global economy integration trend, cause the cause of enterprise crisis is increasingly diverse, and the financial crisis as one of the most striking enterprise crisis, the most comprehensive performance, its signal and determines the survival of enterprises. Thus, exploring the evolution mechanism and evolution path of enterprise financial crisis, and put forward practical and feasible control strategy, financial crisis is the key problem urgently to be solved in the current academia and practice field. At present, the domestic and foreign literature about enterprise financial crisis has been more mature, also has obtained certain research results. However, these studies mostly confined to itself from financial activities set out to explore the formation of the financial crisis, and the lack of consideration from the Angle of system global financial crisiss evolution, so it is difficult to find out the causes of corporate finance from the source, also cannot be used for enterprise managers. As a result, the author from the perspective of complex system, through the enterprise financial between multi-agent evolutionary game behavior, deeply analyzes the evolution mechanism of the enterprise financial crisis for the enterprise crisis in the complex factors in the countermeasures and measures to provide the reference for classification. 二、企业财务多主体博弈分析 Second, the enterprise financial multi-agent game analysis (一)企业财务多主体的特征分析。 企业财务系统主要包括6大子系统,即筹资子系统、投资子系统、采购子系统、生产子系统、销售子系统、利润子系统,它们完成了资金的筹集、投放、使用、收回及分配的财务循环。企业在周而复始的财务循环中,无时无刻不在与股东、供应商、客户、债权人和政府等利益相关者之间发生各种财务关系。笔者界定的企业财务主体正是指企业财务及其与企业财务密切相关的利益相关者。其中企业为系统的核心,它与其


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