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入场须知 会所内禁止吸烟。 No smoking in the club. 未经许可,禁止拍照、摄像。 Forbid to take a picture, videos No unauthorized 十八岁以下未成年人不得进入训练场地。 Fewer than 18 minors are barred from the training venues. 除了会员、员工,任何人进入本会所必须在前台作登记。 Any person entering the club must be for registration at the front desk except for the members and the employees. 5)初次来本会所的人,必须在客服专员的陪同下才能参观。 本会所为公共场所,请会员管理好自己的随身物品,不要将贵重物品及现金带入会所,所有的财产遗失本会所将不负任何责任。 Everyone for the first time to come to the club must be accompanied by the Customer Service Officer to visit. The club is public places. Please keep your belongings with you well; make sure not to leave any valuables and cash in the club. The club will disclaim all responsibility for all of the property of the lost. 为了您的健身安全,请十四岁以下的儿童和有心脑血管疾病、贫血、血压高、低血糖等患者不要使用跑步机。 For your safety, children who under fourteen years old and the One who suffers from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, anemia, high blood pressure, low blood sugar do not use the treadmill. 请大家爱护会所内一切设施,正常使用各种器械,如果您有什么问题可以咨询我们的客服专员或私人教练。 Please take care of all the facilities in the club, the normal use a variety of equipment. If you have any questions you can contact our Customer Service Officer or personal trainer. 8)本会所SPA间的开放时间为11:00—21:00。 The SPA club opens time between 11:00-21:00. 9)来会所的客人,请自行准备锁具,也可到会所的水吧购买、租用。 All of guests, please prepare for locks, or can buy or rent from the drinking bar. 预定场地须知 1)持卡预定场地可选择电话预定和现场预定两种方式,预定可提前七天; Cardholders predetermined site can choose telephone booking and on-site reservation in two ways and can be scheduled seven days in advance. 2)会员须以整点预定场地,概不接受半点预定; Members shall be predetermined sites on the hour; the clubs do not accept the half-hour reservation. 3)预定场地时,需报会员姓名卡号,经核对卡号及持卡人姓名无误后,方可预定时间; Booking a rental, be offer to the member name card number, cardholder name and card number by checking correct only after the scheduled time; You shall be submitted to the member name and the card number when you reserve sites. And you can schedule t


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