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山西师范大学本科毕业论文 太原市古交区中学篮球运动开展现状 调查与分析 姓 名 白 扬 院 系 体育学院 专 业 社会体育 班 级 学 号 0880030220 指导教师 翟维清 答辩日期 成 绩 太原市古交区中学篮球运动开展现状调查与分析 摘要 文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法以古交区中学篮球运动开展现状为研究对象,对山西省太原市古交区中学学生进行抽样调查,主要针对古交区中学篮球运动开展现状,学校体育课中篮球课的教学内容和形式,中学学生对篮球运动的认知程度,学校篮球硬件设施建设的基本现状等进行调查研究。调查表明古交区中学篮球运动开展现状不是很理想,古交区中学篮球运动发展存在学生参与和对篮球的正确认知程度不够,学校领导不重视,学生参与篮球运动的时间不足等问题,根据调查所出现的问题,本文将提出一些具体的针对性建议,希望能够进一步促进古交区中学篮球的发展水平。 【关键词】 古交区中学 开展现状 篮球运动 The Investigation and Analysis on Current Situation of Basketball in Gujiao District of Taiyuan City Abstract The paper would analyze the current situations of basketball in Gujiao District of Taiyuan City with the documentation methed,questionnaire methed,mathematical statistics,and logic analysis.Through conducting the sampling survey of middle schools’student in Gujiao District of Taiyuan City,the paper does investigation and analysis on the current situation of basketball in Gujiao District,on the teaching content and mode about basketball lessons in physical education,on student’s recognition of basketball and on the current situation of basketball hardware facilities in the middle schools.The survey shows that the development of basketball in middle schools in Gujiao District is not very satisfactory. There is need for improvement in students’participation in basketball;meanwhile, students’recognition of basketball is not correct,they do not have enough time to take part in basketball.The leaders of schools also need to pay more attention on basketball.According to the problems occurred in the survrey,this paper will give some specific suggestions,promoting the improvement of basketball in middle schools in Gujiao District 【Key words】Basketball Gujiao District Middle School 目 录 1 前言 1 2 研究对象与方法 1 2.1研究对象 1 2.2研究方法 1 2.2.1文献资料法 1 2.2.2问卷调查法 1 2.2.3数理统计法 1 2.2.4逻辑分析法 1 3研究结果与分析 1 3.1古交区中学生参加篮球运动的基本现状 1 3.1.1古交区中学生对篮球运动的喜爱程度 1 3.1.2古交区中学生每周参


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