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教師相關規定(Regulations for Faculty) 一、職級:大學教師分教授、副教授、助理教授及講師,從事教學、研究、輔導及服務。 Rank and Title: University faculty is composed of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer. They are responsible for teaching, researching, counseling and serving. 二、聘期:初聘為一年,續聘第一次為一年,以後續聘,每次均為二年,但專案教師聘期屆滿前,應俟經費核定後,再依規定辦理續聘。 Length of Employment: Initial-contract is valid for one year, so is the first extension of employment. Each of the following contracts will last for two years. Project Faculty who have employment terminated must wait for appropriation allotment, then apply for renew the employment according to the regulations. 三、敘薪Salary Assessment: (一)教師薪級依學歷及工作年資核定。 ????? ???The level of teachers salary is assessed according to the degree and seniority. ? (二)新聘教師之薪給自實際到職之日起支;教師於聘期開始前提前報到者,則自聘期開始日起支。 New facultys salary will be paid from the date of arrival. If the faculty reports to work before the date of employment, the salary will be paid from the starting date of employment. 四、聘任應注意事項Notice of employment at NCU: ? 1份。 Degree Verification: For faculty holding a degree not issued in Taiwan, please go through degree verification process in R.O.C. embassies or representative offices overseas. Please submit one copy of the degree certificate verified by an R.O.C. embassy or representative office and a formal transcript, which should also be verified. ? (二)工作證明或服務證明:曾任公私立機構服務年資,如有最高學歷(碩士、博士)畢業後相關之專任服務年資,請檢附經駐外館處驗證之經歷證明文件。 Certificate of Work Experience and Service: Please attach employment certificates of public /private organization after the completion of the highest education (PhD, masters degree) if any, also the certificates of employments must be verified by an R.O.C. embassy or representative office. ?(三)辦理聘僱工作許可:外籍教師須向行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局申辦,?同意後始得據以進用。 Wok Permit: Foreign faculty members can only be employed with a work permit issued by the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs, the Executive Yuan. (四)辦理居留簽證:持工作許可及相關證明文件,赴移民署桃園縣服務站辦


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