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Blender Animation Armatures Using Armatures to Deform Meshes Blender’s animation capabilities are great for most object animation except when you want to animate something bending like a person in motion or a tree bending in the breeze This calls for a mesh to deform which can’t be done with traditional modifiers Using Armatures to Deform Meshes We can deform a mesh in 2 ways in Blender Armatures: is to create a skeleton and have it deform a mesh relative vertex keys: is to move the mesh verticies in edit mode and create sliders that deform the mesh Add a skeleton Hit the Space Bar, then Add followed by Armature. You will immediately see a bone begin to form at the cursor location Add a skeleton edit mode to adjust the length Add a skeleton press “E” to extrude another bone from the first one hit “Esc” to stop making bones 蒙皮,骨架的綁定 Creating a Skeleton Practice Exercise Create a new Blender file and name it Hand. Create a UV Sphere for the hand and a cylinder for the finger. Use Extrude to lengthen the finger and provide verticies at the joint (one joint only). Duplicate the finger to make a total of 3. Shape the sphere with Proportional Vertex Editing (“O” key). Join all meshes together. Create a 2- bone armature for each finger and Join them together. Child-parent the mesh to the armature set and create vertex groups (you may or may not be able to use the automatic setting). Place a material on the mesh. Add lighting and create a 100 frameanimation of your scene. Example * * 進入操控模式 (Pose Mode) 按 G 操控最上端骨架 選第2根骨架,按 G 操控 選倒數第2根骨架,按 G 操控 全選,設定 Auto IK 然後選最上面一根,按 G 操控 取消 Auto IK,選擇最上面一根骨頭,設定 Constraints/IK Solver 此時 Chain Length 為 0,代表Ik影響力無限長 Chain Length 改為 1,代表 只有自己這根骨頭受影響 Chain Length 改為 2,代表父骨頭也受影響 Chain Length 改為 4,代表 4 層骨頭會受影響 加入一個立方體,此時會遮住第一根骨頭 選擇骨頭,然後選擇X光 (X-Ray) 模式,此時會像照 X 光一般看到骨頭 選立方體,按 s-z-7 將該立方體沿 z 軸放大 7 倍 在物件模式下,按 Shift 選 (立方體+骨頭) 按 Ctrl-P 設定立方體的父親為骨頭 選擇 Create From Bone Heat 綁定完畢,發現錯誤 用 Subdivide 將立方體切六刀 按 Alt-P 清除綁定,再綁一次,則可正確操控 *


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