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浅议男高音歌唱家廖昌永 摘 要 他是目前活跃于世界歌剧舞台上的少数几位杰出的亚洲歌唱家之一。廖昌永曾师从声乐教育名家周小燕和男高音歌唱家罗魏1995年以硕士学位毕业于上海音乐学院。多年来,廖昌永不断荣获国际声乐大奖,1996至1997年间,廖昌永在一年内连续三次分别获得法国第41届图鲁兹国际声乐比赛、多明戈世界歌剧大赛、挪威宋雅王后国际声乐大赛的第一名,使世界乐坛为之震惊。   他有“亚洲第一男中音”的美誉,在中国古典音乐界,你很难找到一位艺术家,能让人众口一词地用顶级词句去称赞形容,廖昌永便是这能服众的、为数不多的艺术家之一。那些形容他的词语用在普通人身上只怕是令人窒息的,但廖昌永担得起,因为他的确优秀,他在世界歌坛取得的佳绩无愧于杰出二字。   为人随和的他并不张狂,他从不过分炫耀自己的成绩,尤其是不炫耀他和多明戈的师生关系。我时常会听见业内人士谈论他如何从一个四川乡村的农民变成一个和世界大师比肩的耀眼明星,而且,几乎所有人都说,廖昌永人特别好。一个谦和的好人,一颗冉冉升起的世界之星。这两面都是廖昌永,他不炫耀,并不说明,他不精彩。 关键词 廖昌永,音乐,优秀,国际大奖,多明戈,周晓燕 Discussion on tenor Liao chang Yong ABSTRACT He is in recent years active in the musical stage both at home and abroad the most outstanding singer, is currently active on the opera stage of the world a few outstanding Asian singer of. He several times in the domestic, major international vocal competition in the award-winning; especially in 1996 and 1997, in the year three consecutive times respectively won the forty-first Toulouse International Vocal Competition, Domingo the world opera contest, Norway Queen Sonja international singing contest the first. Norways Queen Sonja had said excitedly: Liao was the first contestant in the great singer, I leave today as the day of china. His outstanding talent is one of the three tenors, master Domingo lattice valued. He has the Asias first baritone reputation, he was in a year even by the three world renowned vocal competition in the first, which shocked the world music. In the Chinese classical music world, it is very difficult to find an artist, can let a person be all in one story with top words to praise Liao is described, which can be convincing, as one of the few artists. Those who described his words are used in the ordinary man is just a stifling, but is excellent, he was in the world music achievement worthy of outstanding two characters. KEY WORDS Liao music, excellent international awards, Domingo, 目录 一、人物经历


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