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11. fix [fiks] vt. 修理;安装;安排,确定;整理; n.困境,窘境 e.g. Let’s fix (up) a date and place for the meeting.我们确定下聚会的日期和地点吧。 短语:fix on决定,确定;使(目光、感情、注意力等)集中于 fix up安排;修理;解决 fix to do sth. 决定做某事 扩展:fixed a.固定的,不动的,确定的 12. bold [b?uld] a.勇敢的;鲁莽的;粗体的 e.g. The head words in the dictionary are printed in bold type. 该词典的词条是用黑体字排印的。 I will be bold and speak the truth. 我会大胆说出事实真相。 搭配:in bold type用黑/粗体字 a bold action大胆的行动 13. violent [‘vai?l?nt] a.暴力的;猛烈的,剧烈的 e.g. She was in a violent temper and began throwing things about. 她大发脾气,开始乱扔东西。 搭配:a violent storm猛烈的风暴 a violent quarrel激烈的争吵 扩展:violently ad.猛烈地,激烈地 violence n.暴力;猛烈 14.fierce [fi?s] a.凶猛的,残酷的;猛烈的;暴躁的 e.g. There is so much unemployment that the competition for jobs is fierce. 失业情况严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。 搭配:a fierce wind/storm狂风/暴雨 fierce competition激烈的竞争 扩展:fiercely ad.猛烈地,厉害地 15. extreme [ik‘stri:m] a.极度的,极端的;尽头的 n.极端;最大程度 e.g. His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。 Love and hatred are extremes. 爱与恨是两个极端。 短语:go to extremes走极端 in the extreme非常,极其 扩展:extremely ad.极端地,非常地 16. intense [in‘tens] a.强烈的;紧张的;热情的;非常的 e.g. What struck Wang Zhizhi after he joined the NBA was the intense competition between the players.当王治郅加入NBA后,使他震惊的是队员间激烈的竞争。 搭配:intense life/work紧张的生活/工作 intense interest/convictions浓厚的兴趣/强烈的信念 扩展:intensely ad.强烈地;激烈地;热情地 intensity n. 强烈,剧烈;强度 intensify v.(使)增强,(使)加剧 17. intensive [in‘tensiv] a. 加强的;集中的;密集的 e.g. Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. 在医院里危重病人得到加强护理。 The problem was solved by intensive research.经过深入研究,问题得到了解决。 搭配:make an intensive study of sth. 对某事进行深入的研究 intensive training强化训练 intensive care unit (ICU) 重症监护室 intensive reading精读 扩展:intensively ad.深入地 18. extensive [ik‘stensiv] a.广大的;广泛的;大量的 e.g. The event received extensive coverage in the newspapers. 这次事件得到了报纸的广泛报道。 搭配:an extensive view广阔的视野 extensive


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