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打造高分作文,培养语言美感 推陈出新原则 Habits play an important role in our daily life. Important 可以升级为significant。 It has become common that students go to “one-to –one” classes. Common 可升级为universal. The dinner looks a little bit terrible. -----disgusting The question is really difficult to understand.______confusing 词义 旧词 新词 词义 旧词 新词 名声 fame Reputation 困难的 difficult challenging 机会 chance Opportunity 传统的 traditional conventional 忍受 stand tolerate endure 不好的 bad unfavorable 采用;采取 use adopt 显然的 obvious evident 拥有 own possess 适当的 proper appropriate 感激 thank appreciate 严重的 serious severe 同意 agree with subscribe to 有益的 helpful beneficial 激励 encourage motivate 惊人的;非凡的 surprising extraordinary amazing 走完;读完 walk/read cover 非常的;极度的 very/hard extremely desperately 句子优先原则 好处之一:短语会使文章增加亮点 如:When he was a child ,he wanted to learn everything. ____When he was a child , he had a strong appetite for knowledge. He had to face all the possible difficulties. _____He had to cope with(应付,处理) all the possible difficulties. Your efforts will be very important. Our school lies in the east of the city. ____Our school is located in the east of the city. I thanked him a lot for his help. ____I was grateful to him for his help. 1、I read all the books I could find that threw light upon these matters. 2. The scenery on the top of the mountain held me entirely in its power. 3、Her words lighted me up ,making me aware that honesty was far more important than a broken vase. 4、The boy threw/cast an angry look at me. 好处之二:使用短语可增加文章的长度 如:I want it .------I am looking forward to it…/I am dying for it ./I am longing for it. I cannot bear it .------ I cannot put up with it. I suddenly I had a good idea.------I came up with a good idea./All of a sudden a good idea occurred to me ./A good idea came upon me. 类似的还有: cause ---result in /lead to /bring about know----have a good command /knowledge of visit ------pay a visit to use ------make use of /take advantage of like----have a preference for enjoy -


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