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本 科 毕 业 论 文 齿轮毛坯上料传送装置设计 The Design of Gear Blank Conveying Device 学院名称: 机械工程学院 专业班级: 机电 学生姓名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 2013年 06 月 齿轮毛坯上料传送装置 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称: 摘要 目前国内的齿轮加工机床基本都是依靠人工来实现机床的上下料,这种上料方式有诸多的不足,若是将上料的过程利用机器来完成可以大大提高生产效率,同时能满足齿轮快速重复定位精度以及连续作业的要求。因此,本文在工厂齿轮上料实际应用的基础上,通过对各种情况的调查,从物料特性、加工环境角度出发,对齿轮毛坯传送机做出整体设计,使其完成上料传送的功能,并对各部分主要零件进行校核,保证运行的稳定与可靠,满足运载能力。最后,使用CAXA绘制总装配图、部分装配图和零件图。该设计可能对齿轮毛坯的自动上料及传送系统的设计生产提供一定的参考。 关键词 齿轮毛坯 上料传送 运载能力 The Design of Gear Blank Conveying Device Abstract At present, domestic gears’ processing machines are basically rely on workers to perform the materials feeding and conveying, which has many disadvantages. The productivity can be greatly improved if the conveying and feeding processes can be completed by machines. Meanwhile, and precision repositioning and continuous operation can be satisfied. In this work, based on the investigation of many different kinds of situations associated with the practical applications, the gear blank conveying device which can conveniently complete the gear blank conveying fuction is designed with considering the character of the material properties and the processing conditions. All the components and units of the device are checked and corrected to ensure the stability, reliability and the loading ability. Finally, The software of CAXA is used to draw general assembly drawing, part of the assembly drawing and parts drawing. The work may be helpful to the design and manufacture of the gear blank feeding-conveying system or equipment in mechanical engineering. Keywords gear blank feeding conveying loading ability 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 1 第一章 绪论 4 1.1课题研究背景 4 1.2课题来源 4 1.3课题研究的意义 4 第二章 设计原始数据 6 第三章 齿轮毛坯上料传送装置的总体设计 7 3.1 传送装置工作原理 7 3.2 传送装置设计方案 7 3.2.1 动力部分 7 3.2.2 中间减速部分 7 3.2.3 传动部分 8 3.2.4 改向部分 8 3.2.5 输送部分 9 第四章 传送装置具体部件设计 10 4.1 输送带设计 10 4.1.1.输送带拟选 10 4.1.2 接头方式 10 4.1.3 输送带速度v推荐值


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