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英语II (1)考核说明及样题 判断:(正确T错误F无相关信息NG)OR(正确R错误W无法判断DK) 课程终结考试内容包括大纲规定掌握的基本语言知识和技能。形式为闭卷,笔答。考试时间为120分钟。具体命题内容及形式参照英语II (1) 考核说明。 部分 题型 题量 分值 总分数 一、交际用语 选择题 5 2 10 二、词汇与结构 选择题 10 2 20 三、完型填空题 选择题 10 2 20 四、阅读理解 选择题(2篇文章) 10 3 30 五、书面表达 80词短文 1 20 20 ? 英语II (1) 期末考试 样题 ? 第一部分????? 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)? 1. I think the Internet is very helpful. -- A. Yes, so do I 2. I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. -- C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now??????????????????????? 3. Afternoon, sir. Where to? -- A. Please get me to the airport?????????????????????? 4. — Can I help you to get it down????? ?? —C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you????? ???????????????????? 5. — I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. ?? — B. Really? Maybe she’s out 第二部分????? 词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分) 6. ?It’s not safe C.playing in the street. 7. We A.used to swim??every day when we were children. 8. He spends a quarter of the day B.sleeping. 9. C.Bidding for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance. 10. Ann is studying B.politics at university. 11. After C.winning?the bid, major construction began in Beijing.?????? 12. You look C. tired, have…been doing. What ______ you ________? 13. She has lived here B.for three years. 14. I have given C.up eating meat. ?15. He is the man _______D_______ dog bit me. A. that??????????? ? B. whose?????????? C. who’s ??????????? 第三部分????? 完形填空 (共计20分, 每题2分) Jules Verne’s most famous book is “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea”. (A “league” is an old word ??16? ?about three miles.) In those days submarines (潜水艇) had not been? ?17? , but he describes an underwater ship very like a modern submarine. The captain of the submarine, called Captain Nemo, and his men have many strange adventures and find many strange things ?18? ?the bottom of the ocean. He was a very good ?19? . His characters often did surprising and sometimes impossible things, but they always seemed ?20? ?real people. In another book, “Around the World in Eighty Days”, Jules Verne creates


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