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本科生毕业论文 题 目 The Translation of and Comment on San Kwo Che San Kwo Che 翻译及评论 学生姓名 谭 琳 学 号 201007010319 专业班级 英语10103班 指导老师 李 海 军 完成时间 2014年5月 THE TRANSLATION OF AND COMMENT ON SAN KWO CHE THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for The degree of Bachelor of Arts In Hunan University of Arts and Science By Tan Lin Supervisor: Li Haijun May 2014 Hunan University of Arts and Science Abstract This thesis mainly explores Notice of San Kwo Che and conversion, one of translation techniques, in translating this notice into Chinese. Chinese Repository, commenced by some missionaries in the late Qing Dynasty, was an English periodical which recorded how China was at that time from their viewpoints. Notice of San Kwo Che is one article introducing Sanguoyanyi in it by Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff. Although Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff unwittingly mixed up Sanguoyanyi with Sanguozhi, he, on the whole, faithfully recounted the main characters and important events in Sanguoyanyi and gave his critical comments. Conversion is a very useful translation technique which facilitates my E-C translation process. There are various kinds of conversions among different part of speeches, and actually, if necessary, most of the part of speeches in English and Chinese can be converted into another. In this thesis, I exemplify the use of conversion in translating Notice of San Kwo Che into Chinese. Key words: Chinese Repository; Notice of San Kwo Che; conversion Contents Abstract i Version(《三国志》评论) 3 Comment 4 Bibliography 8 English Original 9 Acknowledgments Version(《三国志》评论) 在所有中国文学作品里,没有哪一部像《三国志》那样受人喜爱。童叟咸读,学者敬仰,目不识丁者竟也赞扬。各阶层人士一致认为它是有史以来最有趣的文学作品;此书的风格,语言和记录事件的方式简直怎么赞美也不为过;它是文学史上无与伦比的大家之作,因此位于《十才子书》


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