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南京信息职业技术学院 毕业设计论文 作者 苏界锋 学号 11033P18 系部 中认新能源技术学院 专业 计算机控制技术(电力控制) 题目 基于单片机的射频卡计费系统 指导教师 袁小燕 评阅教师 袁小燕 完成时间: 2013 年 4 月 30 日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 摘要:随着电子信息技术的发展,智能卡已经在我们的生活中随处可见。射频识别卡正逐渐取代传统的接触式IC卡,成为智能卡领域的新潮流。射频识别系统的射频卡和读写器之间不用接触就可完成识别,对收费控制系统的发展起着极其重要的意义。 本文介绍了射频卡的内部结构及其工作原理,通过射频卡在中国的应用与发展历程,对射频卡与无线读卡模块之间的通信即IC总线通信,读卡模块与单片机的通信进行了深入的分析,经过奇偶校验来识别传输错误,利用模块化处理重点阐述了射频卡读写器软、硬件设计。根据自己所学的知识,提出自己对问题的解决对策,进一步推动收费控制系统的发展。 整个设计完成后,经过自制电路板进行测试,实现了PCB板,结合软件进行调试,基本能满足设计要求,实现了对射频卡的注销,注册,充值,消费的功能。 关键词: 单片机 RFID 无线传输 计费系统 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Abstract With the development of electronic information technology,intelligent card is in everywhere in our life.Radio frequency identification card is gradually replacing the traditional contact type IC card, a smart card trend. Radio frequency identification system of RF card and reader can be completed without contact between the recognition, the charging control system development plays a very important role. This paper introduces the radio frequency card inner structure and its working principle, through the radio frequency card application in China and development course, the radio frequency card reader module and wireless communication between IC bus communication, card reader module and MCU communication undertook thorough analysis, the use of modular treatment focuses on RF card reader the soft, hardware design. According to my knowledge, and put forward my problem solutions,to further promote the development of charging control system. The whole design is completed, after a test circuit board, realize the PCB plate, the combination of software debugging, the basic can meet the design requirements, realization of RF card re


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