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廊坊师范学院本科学生毕业论文(设计)任务书 论文(设计)题目 ’s Views on women in Sons and Lovers 外国语 学院 系(部) 专业 年级 学生姓名 指导教师姓名 下发日期 任务起止日期: 月日 至 年月 日 1. 指导教师对论文(设计)内容的指导要求: 2.论文(设计)前期准备要求(涉及论文内容的研究综述、实验方案设计等): 3.指导教师提出的主要参考文献:(3至5篇,英文原版) 1)2)3) 4.论文(设计)进度安排(阶段任务、起止时间等): ??年??月?日:选题、定题、确定导师、师生见面、下达任务书等。 ??年??月?日:提交文献综述、提纲、开题报告;召开开题论证会。 ??年?月???月:撰写论文初稿 月?????日:中期检查、提交初稿。 ??月??日:提交论文终稿。 ????月?????日:论文复审与定稿。 ??月初:论文答辩。 任务下达人签字): 系(部)主任签字): 学院院长(签字): 任务接受人签字): 2011 年12月10 日 廊坊师范学院 本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述 外国语学院 英语系 13届 姓名 段佳丽 班级 11接本 学号 10030161007 方向 英国文学 论文 题目 Lawrence’s Views on Women in Sons and Lovers 指导教师 孙雪 职称 讲师 David Herbert Lawrence was born on 11th September 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire. Lawrence was the fourth child of a coal miner and an educated mother. He is not only one of the most controversial English novelists of the twentieth century, but one of the most versatile and productive writers in English literature. He is an author of novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books and letters. His novels Sons and Lovers (1913), The Rainbow (1915) and Women in Love (1920) make him one of the most important English writers of 20th century. Lawrence began his novel writing in his early twenties, many of his novels deal with issues of class, as well as his acute understanding of the relationship between men, women and the natural world. Each time when Lawrence published a new novel, from the first one The White Peacock to the last one Lady Chatterley’s Lover, it would cause a stir in that contemporary society. This shocked the English literary world like a bomb for “the great frankness in Lawrence’s treatment of sexuality” (Black 2). In nearly a hundred years, his Sons and Lovers have drawn heated criticism and commentaries from all corner of the world since their publication. Up to now, numerous criticisms about Lawrence and his Sons and Lovers have been accumulating abroad. In general, Sons and Lovers has be


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