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Character [英][k?rikt?] [美][k?r?kt?] n.性格,品质;特征;[计] 字符;人物,角色 vt.刻,印;使具有特征 复数: characters 第三人称单数: characters 过去式: charactered 过去分词: charactered 现在分词: charactering 双语例句 1.I can testify to this mans veracity and good character. 我可以作证,此人诚实可靠,品德良好。 2.He approaches to the character of the ablest statesman. 他具有近乎最能干的政治家的品质。 3.She sued the magazine for defamation of her character. 她控告该杂志诽谤她的人格。 4.She has resilient character and will soon be cheerful again. 她有达观的性格,不久便会振作起来。 5.He has something in his character that draws people to him. 他的性格有些吸引人的地方。 compromise [英][?k?mpr?maiz] [美][?kɑmpr??ma?z] n.妥协;(名誉等的)损害;妥协(或折中)方案;折中物 vi.折中解决;妥协,退让 vt.违背(原则);连累;(尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险 复数: compromises 第三人称单数: compromises 过去式: compromised 过去分词: compromised 现在分词: compromising 双语例句 1.The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight. 发言人表示,目前还不会妥协。 2.The spokesman made it clear that no compromise was yet in sight. 发言人表明,目前还不会妥协。 3.The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise. 会谈的结果很可能是妥协。 4.There is no room for compromise on this matter. 在这个问题上没有调和的余地。 5.From time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises. 妥协的空气时起时伏。每日一句 2013-03-29 Involved[英][?n?v?lvd] [美][?n?vɑlvd] adj.复杂难懂的;与他人有密切关系的;受牵扯的;作为一部份参与的 v.表明(某人参与了罪行等)(involve的过去式和过去分词);使参与;牵涉;使专心于 双语例句 1.His efforts involved thought experiments and analogies, rather than detailed experimentation. 他所进行的是思维实验及类推,而不是细致的实验。 2.How long has Grace been involved with that red-haired boy? 格雷斯与那个红头发的小伙子来往多久了? 3.The whole scheme stinks to high heaven—dont get involved in it. 整件事十分卑鄙龌龊——可别陷了进去。 4.They have long been involved in a crusade for racial equality. 长期以来他们一直致力于争取种族平等的运动。 5.I never wanted to get emotionally involved with him. 我从没想过要跟他产生感情纠葛。Subtle [英][?s?tl] [美][?s?tl] adj.微妙的;敏感的;狡猾的;巧妙的 比较级: subtler 最高级: subtlest 双语例句 1.Theres a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce. 调味汁里稍微有一点蒜味。 2.Her whole attitude had undergone a subtle change. 她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。 3.Ones speech is subtle. 言谈微中。 4.It is a strange smile. It lacks the subtl


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