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原创性声明 (黑体、小2号、加粗、居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行) □□本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本毕业论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本毕业论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。 (宋体 小4号) 本人签名: (手签) 日期: 摘 要 玛格丽特·阿特伍德是加拿大著名的小说家、诗人、文学评论家,也是当今国际文坛声誉卓越之人。她的第十部小说《盲刺客》,摘取了英语文学的最高奖项布克奖的桂冠。在《盲刺客》这样一部由女性书写女性、女性作为体验者的小说中,阿特伍德运用嵌套叙事,塑造了一位特别的、复杂的女主人公艾丽丝。女主人公经历了从顺从和无声、觉醒和反抗、到拥有自己的话语权的过程。在父权制社会中成长的艾丽丝在家庭和社会中都处于一种从属地位,从属于父亲、丈夫,没有权利选择自己的生活,她的内心感受长期被忽视,长久以来,做一位好妻子好母亲逐渐内化成艾丽丝心中的自我角色期待,她成为了一名顺从与沉默的附属品。本文从存在主义出发,通过文献综述法,来分析和阐释她的沉默、反抗、与发声。来揭示女性在男权政治霸权的侵害下所产生的负面危害,召唤女性对在男权政治中所扮演的帮凶角色的醒悟,以及对自身价值的重新认识。 关键词:存在主义 沉默 压迫 觉醒 反抗 ABSTRACT Margaret Atwood is a famous Canadian novelist, poet, literary critic, and she is also an international reputation in literature. Her ministry tenth novel The Blind Assassin has got the removal of the top prize laureate of the Booker Prize for English literature. In The Blind Assassin, such a book written by women, women as those who experience the novel, Atwood use nested narrative, created a special, complex heroine Alice. The heroine has gone from obedience and silence, awakening and resistance, to have their own voice in the process. In patriarchal societies grow Alice in the family and society are in a subordinate position, subordinate to fathers, husbands, have no right to choose their own life, her feelings have long been neglected too long, do a good mother, a good wife Alice gradually within the hearts of the self into the role of expectations, she became an obedient and silent accessories. In this paper, starting from existentialism, through literature review, analyze and interpret her silence, revolt, and sound. To reveal a negative affect women in patriarchal political hegemony against arising, summon women accomplice in the patriarchal role politics played in the wake, as well as new understanding of their own values. Key words: Existentialism Si


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