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本科毕业论文 论文题目: 承德市旅游资源开发利用现状分析 姓 名: 学 号: 院(系、部): 地理系 专 业: 资源环境与城乡规划管理 班 级: 2010级1班 指导教师: 杨印书 完成时间: 2014 年 4 月 摘 要 承德市是河北省主要的旅游城市之一。2009年承德市提出“创建国际旅游城市”的目标,力争到2020年将承德市打造成具有国际影响力、吸引力、聚集力和知名度的旅游城市。这个决策与时俱进,与国际接轨,考虑到承德市发展的实际,有利于宣传承德市,提高承德市的国际影响力和竞争力。因此,如何发挥历史文化优势,深层次开发利用旅游资源,促进承德市经济发展,需要深入研究探讨。本文概括了旅游资源开发利用的概念和程序,论述了旅游资源开发的类型和影响因素。并通过资料收集法、文献法和实地调查法等方法集中探讨了承德市旅游资源开发利用的现状和影响因素,综合分析找出问题,探究原因,提出一些意见和建议,以促进承德市旅游健康有序的发展。 关键词:承德市;旅游资源;影响因素 Abstract Chengde City, Hebei Province, is one of the main tourist cities. Chengde City in 2009 that create an international tourist city, the goal, and strive to 2020, playing in Chengde city with international influence, attraction, gathering strength and visibility of the tourist city. This decision times, with international standards, taking into account the actual development of Chengde, Chengde City in favor of propaganda, raise Chengde Citys international influence and competitiveness. So, how to play the historical and cultural advantages, in-depth development and utilization of tourism resources and promote economic development in Chengde city, need further study to explore. This paper outlines the concepts and procedures development and utilization of tourism resources, discusses the types and factors influencing development of tourism resources. And through data collection, literature and field surveys and other methods focused on the status and influence factors Chengde tourism resources development and utilization of a comprehensive analysis to identify problems, explore the reasons put forward some suggestions and recommendations to promote health tourism Chengde City orderly development. Keywords: Chengde City; tourism resource; influence factor 目 录 前言 1 1 旅游资源开发利用的相关概念 1 1.1 旅游资源开发的概念 1 1.2旅游资源开发的程序 1 1.3旅游资源开发的类型和方式 2 2承德市旅游资源开发利用的影响因素分析 2 2.1自然环境因素 2 2.2社会环境因素 2 3承德市旅游资源开发利用的现状 3 4承德市旅游资源开发利用中存在的问题 3 4.1基础设施不完善


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