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When we are planing to go fishing,what should we take? Here are some fishing gears .(鱼具) fishing rod 鱼竿 fish bait (鱼饵) fish hook fishing line fishing net Fish begins to stink at the head. 〔谚语〕 上梁不正下梁歪,鱼要腐烂头先坏。 It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait. 〔谚语〕智者不上两回当。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 〔谚语〕别班门弄斧 a fish out of water 离水的鱼,不得其所的人。 FISH Pre-task What do some unlucky fishermen catch? Why does the writer say he is even less lucky? What is he really interested in? firsherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 1.Fishing is my favorite sport. favorite (AmE)= favourite (BrE) a. 最喜欢的=like...most Fishing is my favorite sport.=I like fishing most. n. 最喜欢的东西/事情 Fishing is my favorite. These cookies are great favorites with the children. 这些饼干是孩子们的最爱。 favorite adj. 最喜欢的 无比较级、最高级 动名词 1)动名词是动词的一种非谓语形式 2)v.+ing 3)它在剧中起名词的作用,可单独或引起短语用作主语,表语,动词宾语,或介词的宾语以及定语。 动名词作主语 1. 做主语时,用动名词,表示抽象的,一般性的行为,强调事情本身 e.g. Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是件愉快的事。 Watching TV is my favorite pastime. 看电视是我最爱的业余爱好 Reading in bed is a bad habit. 躺在床上看书是个坏习惯。 2. 动名词做宾语,位于介词之后,或是和一些动词搭配 I am keen on cycling. 我非常喜欢骑自行车。 She is afraid of staying in that house alone. 她害怕单独呆在那间屋子里。 He turned off the radio. He left the house. =Before he left the house, he turned/ had turned off the radio. =Before leaving the house, he turned/ had turned off the radio. = He left the house, after he turned/had turned off the radio. = He left the house, after turing off the radio. I must apologize. I interrupted you. I must apologize for interrupting you. I must apologize for having interrupted you. I must apologize for not leaving you in a quiet place. He congratulated me. I won the competition He congratulated me on (my) winning the competition. He congratulated me on having won the competition.  ★区别有些动词后加不定式和加动名词的不同含义★ ①stop to do:停下正在做的事而去做另一件事 stop doing:停下正在做的事 ②remember to do:记得要去做某事 remember doing:记得做过某事 ③forget to do:忘记去做某事 forget doing:忘记做过某事 ④go on to do:继续去做另一件事


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